The shareholders of Eastwoods, Limited, can be congratu- lated upon the results achieved for the past half-year. The trading profit was nearly £92,000, as compared with £62,490 a year ago. The report shows that there was an expansion of trading in all the departments, including the subsidiaries. After paying the dividend on the 7 per cent. Preference shares, and transferring 12,500 to taxation reserve, 122,000 to general reserve and £1,411 to investment reserve' a dividend is an- nounced of 121 per cent., leaving £10,773 to be carried forward. In this case also the balance-sheet shows a liquid position, with nearly 1150,000 in gilt-edged securities and cash. The Ordinary 11 shares stand at about 51s. 9d., giving a return to the investor of about 14 16s. per cent.