Memorandum est
Sir: In reply to Stephen Williams's com- plaint (24 August) about my article on Jocelyn Stevens and English Heritage, I freely confess I was wrong about there being a 'memorandum' instructing English Heritage staff never to talk to journalists. What I had in mind is a sheet of blue paper on 'Listing advice and confidentiality' head- ed 'Fact file 9/91'. This deals with an agree- ment between English Heritage and the Department of the Environment on listing. Evidently this is not a 'memorandum' but, as so much of English Heritage's essential work is concerned with the listing of his- toric buildings, this sheet of blue paper is of some significance and it contains the injunction that 'Individual officers should not, in any circumstances, disclose either the nature of EH recommendations to any person or organisation, or report EH inter- nal discussions. . . on their own initiative. . . Failure to comply with this instruction will be regarded as an extremely serious matter and could lead to disciplinary action.'
Now I am well aware that a degree of confidentiality is essential in protecting his- toric buildings, lest an owner imitates Sir Nigel Broackes in demolishing the Fire- stone Factory, say, in anticipation of immi- nent listing. Even so, I can only agree with the interpretation placed on 'Fact file 9/91' by several members of staff of English ler- itage that it is another example of the dead- ening influence the civil servants that I complained of in my article.
Gavin Stamp
1 Moray Place, Strathbungo, Glasgow