7 SEPTEMBER 1991, page 23

Think Tanks

WHILE we wait for reform, I have a practical suggestion. Tom King is lumber- ing forward with his proposals to spend less money on soldiers and more on tanks. For the surviving......

Can Do Better

WE LIVE on an island, said Aneurin Bevan, made of coal and surrounded by fish, so it must have taken an organising genius to create a shortage both of fish and of coal. The......

City And Suburban

Staying away from work by decree time to scrap bank holidays it's CHRISTOPHER FILDES h, good. No more bank holidays until Christmas, so we can get some work done. How the......

Why Only One Tea?

PLAIN living and high thinking are the staples of the Institute for Economic Affairs. Long notorious for its lunches, it made up for them by the quality of its food for thought.......