No Withdrawals
Sir: I have read The Spectator with great pleasure for over 50 years and have recent- ly had a new cause for gratitude; my increasing nausea over the crudity and 'yobbishness'......
Friends Indeed
Sir: How irksome for Mr Parris (Diary, 10 August) to have his social life complicated by the ancient Christian custom of regard- ing all human beings as being of equal worth! He......
Important If True
Sir: As a regular reader of The Spectator I never cease to be amazed at the informa- tion I pick up each week. Now I learn from Robert Fox's 'The invasion of Europe' (i7 August)......
Doubtful Diagnosis
Sir: It would be a brave doctor who diag- nosed syphilis on the basis of an 'infallible' Wasserman reaction (Letters, 24 August). On the evidence produced, the case is far from......
Sir: Please Don't Pull The Plug On The Forbes-churchill...
I can't think why you don't give him (Forbes) a column. It need only run to one sentence. R M Stockdale Thorpe Taney Hall, Lincolnshire......
Sir: In her account of the Edinburgh Book Festival Anne Smith (24 August) said I went unprepared and gave the same talk as four years ago. Untrue. In fact I talked in detail......
Book Plug
Sir: Martyn Harris is mistaken in stating (Arts, 31 August) that I was one of the sharp young Oxbridge men hired by Grace Wyndham Goldie for Panorama and Tonight. In fact I was......
Sir: Cannot You Invite Messrs Churchill And Forbes To Your
office, provide them with pistols for two and coffee for one, and leave them to get on with it? This would clear some space in your correspondence columns for letters of more......