8 AUGUST 1846, Page 11


sive& Excuaiscr., FRIDAY AFTERNOON.

The English Funds are not so firm as they have been recently; the market CV incing symptoms of weakness without the occurrence of any large transac- tions. -The pressure of Stock occasioned by the sale of the Railway deposits does not appear to have yet ceased; and the result of the week's transactions has been to establish the closing quotations of today from a to a per cent below our list quotations. The premium of Exchequer Bills is lower, having fallen to 78.; and money rather in demand. Bank Stock supports the last advance, and is today quoted at 2094 for Money; while India Stock is from 260a to 262.

In the Foreign Market, Portuguese Bonds have experienced a marked decline: the large operations have all been sales, while the purchases have been but of trifling amount. The price of the Stock between Monday and yesterday fell to 42; and a large seller having made his appearance today, a further decline to 38 was produced; 10,0001. Stock being sold at the latter price. The market has since been rather firmer, closing at 38 to 40. It is stated that these sales have been chiefly owing to the embarrassments of an eminent Portuguese house in London. Spanish Active Bonds are rather lower, being 25a 26. The Three per Cents are without material change. Mexican Bonds continue depressed, at about 1 per cent below the prices of last week. Brazilian Stock maintains its high price, and is quoted at 90; being still in demand, by reason of the limited quantity in the market. The other Foreign Bonds are without material change. The business transacted has not been extensive.

The Railway Shares are not generally so much in demand as lately; almost every variety being lower than last week. Considerable disappointment has been experienced by the shareholders of the London and Birminghiun Railway at the result of the recent half-yearly meeting. It was expected that the new Quarter-. sharesabout to be issued would participate to the extent of the amount paid upon them in the profits of the Company. The resolutions of the meeting sanctioning the issue of the new shares determine that they shall not participate in the profits of the Company till the year 1852, and that in the mean time the holders are to receive 4 per cent upon the amount of deposits actually paid. This arrangement, by lessening the value of Quarter-shares to which the present holders of the original shares are entitled, has depretiated the value of the original shares themselves: the price before the meeting was 235; business has been done today at 231, and the last quotation was 228 to 230. The Eastern Counties Shareshave also fallen slant 10s. since the meeting. Arrangements of nearly a similar character to those of the Birmingham have been determined upon with regard to the Quarter- shares, by the issue of which the various extension-lines projected by this Com- pany are to be carried out. As soon as any one of these extension-lines is com- pleted, the Quarter-shares which have been issued for the purpose of its construc- tion are to become part of the capital of the Eastern Counties line, and participate in the general profits of the Company; and until that period an interest of 4 per cent is to be payable upon the amount of the deposits actually made upon the Quarter-shares. Other arrangements are also sanctioned by which the capital of each of the old Shares will be raised to 201.

Considerable business has occurred in East Indian Shares; and several thou- sands have changed hands at prices varying from five shillings to seven shillings and sixpence a share above our last prices. It is stated that the East India Company will guarantee 4 per cent upon the capital invested: but this rumour, though very current, does not obtain much credit. The triumphant success of the French Ministry has given a better aspect to the market for the French Shares; which are rather more in demand than for some time past: but though the business transacted was larger than usual, no great improvement in prices has occurred.

SATURDAT, Two o'Czoex.

There is no change in the English Funds. The premium of Exchequer Bills is lower; these securities having been done as low as 6e. In the morning, small bills were done at 12e.; but several sellers having since made their appearance, large bills have fallen to 6s. and 7s.; the closing quotation for all varieties being 6s. to 10s. The only change in the Foreign Market is in Mexican Bonds; a predominance of sellers having depressed the prices of these securities about 1 per cent: the closing price is 23 4. Portuguese Bonds are rather firmer; business having oc- curred at 38a and 40: the closing quotations are 3834 94. The Railway Share Market is still depressed; all the prices at which business has occurred today being lower than those of yesterday. The following bargains have occurred in addition to those given in the morning: Aberdeen' 10; Birmingham and Gloucester, 130 a; Birmingham and Gloucester, New, 32 4; Bristol and Exeter, 87 Caledonian,' 154 4; Ditto, Half-shares, 14 4; &

Eastern Counties, 23 4j; Ditto, New, 8; Ditto,

York Extension, 24 4; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 74; Great 'Western, 149 51S Ditto, Quarter-shares, 22 14; London and Birmingham, 225 4; Ditto, Thirds, .09; Ditto, Quarters, 304 28; Ditto, Fifths, 25; London and Greenwich, 94; Midland, 145; Ditto, New, 384; Scottish Midland, 74; South-eastern and Dover, Ditto, New, No. 4, 34; Bordeaux and. Mediterranean, 14; lhateh-Rheniab, 64 ; Great Indian Peninsula 4; Great Western of Bengal, a; Namur and Liege, 3 24; Orleans and Vierzon, 14 4; Ditto, Bordeaux, 84; Paris and Lyons, Constituted,, 544; Sambre and Meuse, 5e.

3 per cent Consols

Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities' Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 44 per Cents Chillan 6 perCents prem • --

951 i 951 6 961 2 974 8 10 5-16 f 207 9 6 10

260 604 88 90 97 99 99 101 Columbia' n ex Venezuela • • 15 16 Danish 3 per Cents 88 90 Dutch 24 per Cents 594 60 Ditto 4 per Cents 944 1 Mexican 5 per Cents —1846 234 Ditto Deferred Portuguese New 5 p.Cla. 1841 38 40 Ditto 4 perCents 1840

Russian 5 per Cents 13182 41014.

Spanish (Active) 5 perCents 251 1 Ditto 3 per Cents 1849 31311


No change or business of importance has occurred in the English or Foreign Funds. The transactions in Railway Shares have been of a various character, generally at lower prices. Birmingham have been done as low as 223; a decline of 12/. from the highest recent price. The following are the principal bargains occurring: Aberdeen, 10; Ambergate Nottingham and Boston 24 2; Bir- mingham and Oxford Junction, 74; Bristol and Exeter, 87; Caledonian, 154; Chester and Holyhead, 27*; Cornwall, 2; Eastern Counties, New, 8; Ditto, York Extension, 24; Great Western, Fifths, 34; Leicester and Birmingham, 1 dis.; London and Birmingham, 225 3 4; London and York, 24 1; North British, 381; North Staffordshire, 34 a prem.; Richmond, 19*; Scottish Midland, 7; Shrews- bury and Birmingham, 34 3; South Midland, 34 prem.; South Wales„4/1 4; Dutch Rhenish, 6a; Paris and Lyons, 54.