Report Of The Select Committee On Private Bills.
The Committee was appointed on the motion of Mr. Hume, "to examine the applications for local acts during this session of Parliament; to examine expe- =illy in respect to the......
Sbt _metropolis.
The Lord Mayor, as Conservator of the Thames, went to Oxford on Tuesday; travelling by the Great Western Railway. On Wednesday he gave a banquet, in the large room at the Star......
Debates Anti Vrotetbings In Varliament. Enlistment In The...
House of Commons, on Monday, the order of the day for going into Committee on the Army Estimates having been read, Captain LAYARD moved this resolution- " That an humble address......
2ebt Eourt.
THE Queen held a Court and Privy Council at Buckingham Palace on Saturday afternoon. Prince Albert, the Lord President.of the Council, the Lord Chancellor, and other of the......