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THE Queen held a Court and Privy Council at Buckingham Palace on Saturday afternoon. Prince Albert, the Lord President.of the Council, the Lord Chancellor, and other of the great Officers and Ministers of State, were present. The Earl of Leicester took the oaths as Lord-Lieutenant of the County of Norfolk. Mr. Jervis, the new Attorney-General, kissed hands, and had the honour of knighthood conferred upon him. Mr. Charles Buller, the Judge-Advocate-General, reported to the Queen the proceed- ings of some courts-martial. Lord John Russell and Earl Grey had audiences.
The King of the Belgians held a levee the same afternoon; and received, in conjunction with his Queen, the congratulations of the Corps Diploma- tique.
In the evening, the Queen and Prince Albert, and the King and Queen of the Belgians, attended the Italian Opera. The Dutchess of Kent, the Duke and Datchess of Cambridge, and others of the Royal Family, were present. On Tuesday the Royal party attended the French Opera at Drury Lane Theatre.
Sir Robert and Lady Peel, and the Marquis and Marchioness of Lans- downe, dined with the Queen on Monday; the Earl and Countess Grey, Viscount and Viscountess Palmerston, and Lord and Lady Lyndhurst, on Wednesday; the Marquis and Marchioness of Normanby, Earl Spencer, and Sir John Hobhouse on Thursday.
Lord John Russell had an audience of the Queen on Thursday.
Yesterday, the Queen, Prince Albert, and the Queen of the Belgians, accompanied by the Royal children, repaired to Osborne House-' travelling by the South- western Railway. The King of the Belgians luts gone to Claremont.