The Gazette Of Last Evening Notifies The Appointment Of Lord
Camoys and the Earl of Listowel to be Lords-in-Waiting in Ordinary to the Queen; and of Admiral Sir Edward Codrington to be one of the Grooms-in-Waiting. Lord Listowel has......
Mohammed Ali, The Viceroy Of Egypt, Arrived At...
the 19th July, on a visit to the Sultan. The Morning Chronicle states that Government has resolved to establish a naval station on Pubs Labuan, off the mouth of the Borneo......
A Correspondent Calls Our Attention To An Historical...
be- tween Lord Brougham and Lord John Russell. The great promoter of useful knowledge thought that he had detected Lord John in a blunder, because the Premier calls Mr.......
The Theatres.
Of all the plays in which Mademoiselle Rachel has yet appeared, there is not one in which we would not rather see her than in Bajazet. The manner in which she acts the haughty......
Money Market.
sive& Excuaiscr., FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Funds are not so firm as they have been recently; the market CV incing symptoms of weakness without the occurrence of any large......
The Great Aohievemeet Of The Brussels Company This Week Has
been the performance of Donizettrs La Favorite; good in all its principal parts and characteristics, but the part of the King being rendered especially effective by the fine......
East India Shipping.
asarree—et Oravesend, Aug. 2, Herald, Turnbull, from the Cape ; 5, Romeo, Poi, lock, from Bengal ; Belhaven, Watt, from Singapore ; and 7, Roscherry, Young, from ditto. Off......