On the 24 inst., at liveringhtuu Park, the Lady of WILLIAM CONSTABLE MAXWELL, 11S11 , or a daughter. Oa the:28th ult., at Rowfant, Sussex, the Lady of CHARM'S Brrtirsr, tsti.. of a son. On the 310 ult.. at Wellington Road, Regent•s Park, the Lady of tlte Rev. Jonx Timixs, of a daughter. On tin 10 inst., at Shaftesbury Boast., Bayswater, the Lady of TROMAS DAVIDSON'. M.D., of a son. On the 4th inst., in Bryanstone Square, the Wife of the Venerable AraldeacOn POPE, ci Ja111,11ea, of a Sell. Oa the 4th inst., at the Grove, Clapham, the Lady of the Rev. Cualthes IIEBERT, of a son.
On the 3dinst„ at the Grove, Harrow, the Lady of the Rev. T. II. STEEL, ,.f .0 sun.
On the 5111 inst., at Marlhorongh 11011Se, 1110 111,11,V of CAR1,1111,E, to 1110 11.111, Miss liom: Jou usroNE, one of the Maids of Iloacur to her Mdes'y the Queen lloga4er. Ott the Zith inst., at Tillonlia tn. I ilotwesteoltire, the Rot. JAW: IIEN11r S0111.111011.11 BUBB, 10 JANE, idly child of Captain Charles Donlon, R.N., of Deuttill HilL the :21st November. at the Capc or Good Hoe, al We,throok, Itondeboselt. the Hm,mmemmt Lietit.•Col. Low, Coll. Resident of Ian:know. Lietn.•Col., N. AINEs, of the .V111y, ;1111.1 AZ0111 to the 4.10mtrnor-Geuera1 for the,. ,.re..00,0t.oi.di, uus u lllll nth:stoner it Aimere. to EidzAarrit EIAANoit, mm.iu,t dauchter et the late \Valiant Dodd Weaves, 1:sti., Stag l ll 11, or the same :truly.
On the fitlm tilt.. the its togs Ilt-rcnixs, A.M., late Rector of the 11nited parishes or St. Anne and .V.fttes and St. .1. ha 'knit:try. On the in inst., at his restattnce, Enfield, :Middlesex, Watuvm BURGESS, ESq., ltis 94111 year.
Ott the ..1,1 inst., at Cheltenham, NUOENT KIRKLAN11, Esq.. in his 74111 year.