Want Of Confidence In Ministers. To Ti1e Editor Ok"r U I;...
Whileliall Place, 311 February 1840. Si it( looking over the Division -lists as published in the Sifeet.dor . of Sitturilay last, 1 find my moue included in the moldier of those......
Law Of Treason.
TO THE EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR. Sin—I wish to correct what I believe to be a mistake in a point of law in vour valuable journal. You say that the Judges decided, that had the......
[our Correspondent May Be Right In Assuming That Whist We
hypothetically imputed as neglect, was really .. a very skilful manumtvre." It seems, however, to have been an unftirtunate one for the prisoners. What would have been their......
Lit Law Would Inflict Is Too Severe. Enlightened...
1,0 sninist ors THE THEATRES. LEIGH HUNT, WI14) in the course of a long and active literary career, has by turns distinguished himself as a critic, poet. politieian, and......
A Nautical Burletta, With The Title Of Poor Jack. Or
the W16' of sa Sailor, has sneceeded Jack Sh,flairs/ at the Adelphi u but the hero of the halter is still :1 favourite, and has taken the place Harlequin. The new meiodrama is......