• The Apreintt!it , Of The Deke Nenoulls, Ii, Llydzofs...
to the London and ro:',■71s I.I* Ministerial chenges. :Ire the chief topics in the l'sris newspepers. Dissatisfaction with the King's denisnil of an ;dims:ince tar his younger......
The Spanish Elections Have Gone In Favour Of The Moderado
Ministry, who calculate upon a majority of about 30 votes. The British garrison are leaving Passages. About 150 marines departed on the 29th ultimo.......
The Dutch Ministers Find Difficulty In Managing The...
of Deputies, who insist on making the Colonial Minister responsible, and controlling the Colonial revenues.......
The King Of Hanover Has Issued "a Royal Declaration," In
consequence of some judges recognizing laws passed under the constitution which .ERNEST has abrogated. His despotic Majesty sets forth, " That it never can be tolerated that the......
The Last Accounts From Constantinople Mention, That...
finally and positively declared that he will agree to no terms of pacification which shall not guarantee his right to the entire possession of Syria.......
By The Ship Louis Philippe, Arrived At Havre From New
York, there are accounts from the United States to the 18th of January. The letters received from Mr. JAVDON were considered highly satisfactory in New York, and the aspect of......