mturin GAZETTE.
WAR,FFICE, Feb. 7.-4th lied. ttf Drau. dttmols—Cornet E..1. 'Cartier to he Lieut. by purchase, dc, Brooks. 'a Ito retires ; F. R. Forster, Gent to be Cornet, by plinth:Ise, Nice 'ruiner. 4th Foot -Lima. W. NI. Campbell to be Limit, without purelmse. sire 0' Kilts. dee.; Ensign 'I'. C. NI, rnatt to be Lieut. without purchase. vice Campbell, whose promotion of 251110;mb, IS.0 has been cancelled ; W. Inglis, Gent. to be Ensign, vice Morgan. Rith Foot—Lieut. A. 1'. S. to Ito Coptaitt, without pawl..., %ice nAlier;ill. (5. \V.I.. to be Lieut. vice Ensign /I. l'eLnly to be Lieut wit bout pliveliase. sire W.1 IC mm /lose promotion 31st December I.S.0 has boo:i it:int:died 1 G. 'Falb 4, Gent. to Ite Ensign. vie' Penny. 310 Foot — Lima. W. dt. 11 ale; 10 lie C,,1m1. w11110111 pureltase, dime Dod,:ell, mine,; Ensign T. 3. Bourke to be Lieut. vice Wales; Eusio G. B. Shan to be Lieut, without purchase,
vice 13ourke, whose promotion of Oth October 183911as been cancelled; Ensign T. IL Plasket to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Lugarcl, appointed Adjutind; H. W. Hart, Gent, to be Ensign. vice Shaw; R. Law, Gent, tube Ensign, vice Plasket ; Lieut. E. Lngard to be Adjutant, vice Dodgen, promoted. 39th Foot –Limit. F. Dunbar to be Capt. without purchase, sire Scarman, Ensign C. J. Walker to be Lieut. vice
unbar ; Ensign T. S. Little to be Ident. vice lute, killed in actIon; F. m•iniltou. from the 1st West India Regiment, to be Lieut. vice Philips. dec.; 55th Foot W.Ouslow, from half•pay unattached. to be Major, (repaying the ditterenee,) vice Nnholson, promoted ; Cold. I). L. Fawcett to be )1ajor, by purchase, vice Onslon, vim retires; Lieut. J. 13. Bose lobe Capt. by purchase, vice Fawcett ; Ensign G. King Ia1a; Lived, by purelrise, vice Rose; J. Maguire, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase. vice .1(Jr.4.; 67th }Foot –Lieut. C. Jago, from lialf-pay of the 30th Foot, tube Lieut. vice V. "i, Benson, who exchanges. 7811, Foot–A, Mackenzie, Gent. to be Ensign, by ruches, vice Fletcher, who retires. 81st F. ot –F. Lepper, Gent. to he Ensign, by
, Thompson, promoted. 9011, Foot–Capt. 'I'. W. Eyles to be Major, by .t.utc"use' v•Te Slade, promoted; Lieut. V. Caldwell to be ('opiate, by purchase, vice Llies; En..111 D. F. Mackworth to be Lieut. by purchase., vim, Caldwell ; Gentleman Cadet II. (.Ride Bre n1,‘,TT-erons the Royal Mil. Col. to he" Ensign, by purchase, vice blockworill. ga"c-4•-•tet. Cadet C. II. Pollen, from the Royal 3111. Coll, to be Secont! Ident. without pterch.,,,, vice Chambers, dec. Jut West India Regiment –Ensign J. Armstrong, front the Cape Mounted Riflemen, to be 1.1e1R. without petra,,,se, vice Ilantilten. appointed to the 39th Foot. Cape Mounted Ititlemet-3. '1'. Bisset. Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, sine Armstrong, promoted In thl.,,st West India Rent. IFslattachell–lajor Ml. St,,Ite, nom the 90th Foot, to be Lieut•Col. by purchase.