The annual meeting of the Governors of the Seamen's Hospital
Society, was held on Wednesday ; when the report for 1839 was read. It stated, that During the past year, 2,573 patients had been admitted; and advice and medicine provided for 1,371 out 'patients. At the present moment, 182 were under treatment and convalescent. The total number relieved since the formation of the Society in 1821, amounted to 49,302, including 2,083 seamen employed in her Majesty's Navy,1,793 in the East India Company's service, and 31,841 in the service of merchant-vessels of different nations. To the Lords of the Admiralty, the East India. Company, and the Trinity House, for the continuance of their liberal patronage, the Committee expressed themselves indebted ; and they had lately received a bequest by Mrs. Miller, of Black • heath, of 1,0001. Three per Cent. Consols. The receipts for the year 1839 were 7,2131. 4s. 3d.; but the expenditure exceeded this sum by OW. 12s. 3d. Indeed, it was found that additional funds to the amount of 2,0001. were re • glared to maintain the hospital with due efficiency; and it was hoped that still further support would be granted.
It was mentioned that the scurvy had lately reappeared with great violence on board the Dreadnought ship.