The vote of the House of Commons on the annuit3
to Prince Albert has had its influence on the Commission of the French Chamber of Deputies charged to examine the. 3d lid 101. a year for the Duke of Nemours. If the S11111 11, 1101 to be diminished, a clans,. is to be inserted, it is said, limiting the provision to the death of the King. When the demise of Louis Philippe takes place, the private property of the Orleans family goes to all the sons, independent of the Doke of Orleans, provided. ibr as King, and of the Due d'Aumale, heir of the Conde property. The Commerce estimates the Dec de Nemours' share at 2,000,000/. sterling. Madame Adelaide, the King's sister, is said to possess 160,0001. a year revenue. Sonic of the papers plead that in Prussia the King's landed property suffices for family expenses, and nothing was taken from the public purse at the marriage of the Princesses.
After a long trial, which excited very little interest, the examination of witnesses showing merely the sante facts which appeared on the last trial, the Court of Peers on Friday came to a decision, and sentenced Blanqui to the punishment of' death, Quignot and Elie to fifteen years' imprisonment, five more to ten year's, two to seven, and sixteen others to five years' imprisonment. On hearing the sentence of death, the wife of Blanqui hastened to the Tuileries. As the King consented to receive her on Saturday, it is supposed that the sentence of death will be commuted.
The Jouraa/ (lee Diflord8 of Saturday declares that the alliance is not yet consummated between England and Russia. The Cour/qui Fraqais states that 31. Cunin Gridaine, the ,Minister of Commerce, declared publicly on Thursday that England had positively rejected the proposals of 31. Brunow. This is the third time that these sante propositions of M. Bruncw have been accepted and rejected, according to the Paris press. The journals front the Northern departments of France continue to be filled with details of the effects of the high winds. They state that last Friday the steeple of the church of Honneches, near Candkrai, was blown down. At 31arcoing two houses were totally demolished, and several others unroofed. At Villers-U,uislain numerous stables, barns, and other out-buildings suffered a similar flute. At Masnii.res the new spinkting.-mill of Messrs. Brii,re, Vallite, and Co. was completely unrookcl, the gales rolling up the plates of zinc as if they
were sheets of paper.