Tuesday, Jan. 4.
Goding and Co. Belvedere Road, Lambeth, brewers ; as far as regards C. Gocling- S. and B. G. Blore, Birmingham, furniture-dealers-Asithenden and Smith, Chatham, lallors-Shaw and Co. Salisbury Street, Strand, wine-merchants; as far as regents T. G. Shaw-Boucher and Jackson, Birmingham, mercers-Ingleby end Co. Birming- ham, attornies-Ellis and Co. Leek, Staffordshire ; as far as regards L. Eilla-Smith and Son, Sun Court, Combill, hasurance-brokers-Soott and Thorpe, Bisitopegate eret-et, Within, tea-dealers-Parker and Scrultort, Old Broad Street, steek-erokers-Sagar and Co. Whalley, Lancashire, coal-proprietors ; as (eras regards W. Sugar-Thorpe and Co. Nottingham, corn-factors-Chapman and Day, Broken Wharf, Wapping, coal mer- chants- 7dequiner and Kiluer, Sheffield, eagravera-Watertield and Smith, Leicester, builders-Wright and Thomas. Little Bloortields, auctioneers-Stapleton and Co. Richmond. Yorkshire, bankers-Rinks and Stealns, Liverpool. tea-dealers-Alekruan and Menzies, King's Lynn, Norfolk, Iron founders-Sutherlitnd and Mackay, Liverpool, merchants- Bettye and Firth, Birstal, attornies-Broadbent and Swallow, Manchester, merchants-Chatterton and Co. Hull, brewers-J. and T. S. Thorp. Ash-next-Sand- wick Kent, millers-Green and Bond, Liverpool, wine.merchants-Burton and Dent, Newcastle Street, Strand, plumbers-Eames and Son, West Cowes, brewers-Hicks and Hull, Plymouth, surgeons-W. and W. E. Barry, Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, stationers-Galloway and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, nail-manufacturers-Rehinsou and Vawdrey, St. Austell, Cornwall, surgeons-Rahr and Co. Liverpool, ship-brokers- Beet and Cockshote Deptford, printers-Spink and Son, Wolverhampton, lock-manu- facturers-Hearon and Co. Bishopegate Street Within, druggists-J. and .1. Newton, Bankside, Southwark, fire-brick-nrierchants-Pennell and black, Kidderminster, prin. ters-Preller and FrommeL Liverpool, merchants-Waterhouse and Co. Manchester, cotton-spinners ; as far as regards H. Waterhouse-Lloyd and Co. London, tea-brokers ; as far as regards E. Brodribb-Harrington Chemical Company, Ilarrington, Cumber- land-Owtran and Co. London, warehousemen ; as far as regards W. Atkinson-Shep- herd and Hilton, Faversham, brewers-Sl000mbe and Strum, Leeds, booksellers- Evans and Bieber, Manchester, corn-merchants-Webb and Sons, Wellington, Shrop- shire, surgeons ; as far as regards H. Webb junior-Watkins and Hope, Fenchurch Street, tea-brokers-Jackson and Jonkyn, John Street, Adelphi, solicitors-Archer and Son, Grove Place, Lisson Grove, elgar-ineporters-Ogle and Younghusbaud, Great Win- chester Street, attornies--AthInson and Co. merchants-Wright and Sharp, Devon- shire Street, Queen Square, goldsmithe-Isilbe and King, Nelson Dock, Rotherhithe, ship-joiners-Schroder and Co.-.1. and J. Sidebottom, Mottram-in-Longdendale, Cheshire, cotton-spinners-Walsh and Thomson, Lincoln's Inn Fields, attendee- Fortes end Ford, Liverpool, omnibus-proprietors-A. and 11. Sewers, Princess Street, Hanover Square-Seeley and Co. Fleet Street, booksellers-J. and J. Stevens, Amble- cote, Staffordshire, glass-manufacturers-Lewis and James, Gutter Lane, merchants- Gaden and Co. coal-factors-Taylor and Co. Oldham, cotton-spinners ; as far as regents J. Crompton-M. T. S. and J. W. Workman, Reading, surgeons-J. and T. Fides, Manchester, Un-plate-workers-Johnson and Sisters, or Mrs. Johnson and the Misses Johnson ; as far as regards C. Johnson, school-master and school-mistresses, North End, Fulltam-Armstrong junior and Co. Liverpool, cotton-broken- Fairbrass senior and Fairbrass junior, Ramsgate, coopers-Mercer and Son, Liverpool. joinera-Dond- ney Brothers, Fleet Street, tailors-Chamberlain and Strachan, BasInghall Street, Blackwell-Hall-factors-Noswerthy and Wells, Coleman Street, Inhographers-Jack- son and Co. Manchester. dyers-Westbrook and GIsby, Ware, Hertfordshire, attornies- J. and H. P. Davis, Arnpthill Square, Hampstead Road, surgeons-J. and H. West, Lower Thames Street, Rotherhithe, mast-makers-Corbett-and Co. Glasgow ; as far-as regards J. Corbett-The Union Bank of Australia and the Australian Trust Company ; as far as regards H. Mitchell-Northern Coal Mining Company ; as far as regards J. S. and W. Newbigging-J. and J. Hastwell, Broadwall, Christchurch, glass-manu-
LANDS, Thomas, Edgeware Road, boot-maker.
ARTHUR, RonERT, Wilson Street, Finsbury, leather-seller, to surrender Jan. 12, Feb. 17 : solicitor, Mr. Ilindmarsh, Crescent, Jewiu Street ; ofticial assignee, Mr. Bell, Cole- man Street Bundings.
ASUFORD, FREDERiCK, Ipswich, grocer, Jan. 15, Feb. 17 : Wieners, Mr. Taylor, Mark Lane ; Mr. Povrnall, Ipswich ; official assignee, Sir. Canaan, Birchin Lane. Berms, WILLIAM, Northumberland Street, Strand, hotel-keeper, Jan. 10, Feb. 18: solicitor, Mr. Wontner, Skinner Street ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Colenum Street. BLAKE, Gzonaz and JAMIlle, Liverpool, Soap-manufacturers, Jan. 24, Feb. 1 I : solici- tors, Messrs. Sharpe and Co. Bedford Stow ; Messrs. Lowudes and Co. Liverpool ; offi- cial assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool.
BRAND, ROBERT CAILLYES, Wigan, iinendraper, Jan. 17, Feb. 7 : solicitors, Messrs. Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row ; Mayhew„ Wigan ; official assignee, Port, Manchester.
BROOKFIELD, EDWARD, Woodeott, Cheshire, farmer, Jan. 18, Feb. 11: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; Messrs. Edleston and Co. Nantwich ; Mours• Curry and Statham, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. EDwARDS, James, Allington, Dorsetshire, sac,k-twIne-manufacturer, Jan. 14, Feb.15 : solicitors, Messrs. Clowes and Co. Temple ; Messrs. Templer and Son, Brldport ; Mr. Terrell, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Ilernaman, Exeter.
ELLIox, Joust, East Ham, Essex, cattle-dealer, Jan. II, Feb. 12: solicitor, Mr. May, Princes street, Spitainelde ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.
°ELLE, Joint, New Burlington Mews, Regent Street, job-master, Jan. 14, Feb. U: solicitors, Messrs. Willoughby and Co. Clifford's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, rib- church Lane.
GRAVEs, GEORGE, Norton Folgate, cheeeemonger, Jan. 19, Feb. 19 ; solicitors, Messrs. Dal and Co. St. Martin's Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court.
IILICPLZ, JOSEPH, Burr Street, East Smithfield, shipwright, Jan. 13, Feb. 17: solici- tors, Messrs. Lida:later and Co. Leadenhall Street ; official assignee, Mr. TV/Atmore, ltasinghall Street.
INCEBOLD, THOMAS MAWSON, Ludgate Hill, bookseller, Jan. 12, Feb. 17: solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and Plows, Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basingball Street.
KELLY, Gime, Cannon Street, coal-merchant, Jan. 14. Feb. 11 : solicitors, Messrs. Van Sandier and Cumming, King Street, Cheapside ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards,
Frederick's Place.
KIRKBY, Faunas, Leeds, grocer, Jan. 24, Feb. 17: solicitors, 31r. Dingwall, Token-
house Yard ; Messrs. Upton and Clapham, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Leeds. LEA, Joust, Cheltenham, brickmaker, Jan. 14, Feb. 15 : solicitors, Messrs. Baylis and Co. Bash:ghat]. Street ; Messrs. Winterbottora and Co. Cheiteahaut ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol. PRATT, TuomAs, Newton Abbott, druggist, Jan. 12, Feb. 9: solicitors, Mr. Cowbird, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; 311. Turner, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Heineman, Exeter. PI3GII, RICHARD llamas, Aidermanbury, warehouseman, Jan 11, Feb. 8: solicitor, Mr. Ilensman, Basing Lane; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. REEVE, RICHARD Erasers, Cierkeuwell Green, victualler, Jan. 21, Feb. 19: solicitors, Messrs. Linkiater, Leadenhall Street: official assignee, Mr. Green, Aidermanbury. Roams, OWEN FUMY, Llanddansant, Anglesey, grocer, Jan. 17, Feb. 10: solicitors, Mr. Oliver, Old Jewry ; Messrs. Evans and Son, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Mor- gan, Liverpool. RONTRES, BRIDGER, Hylton Ferry, Durham, grocer, Jan. 13, Feb. 22: solicitore,
Messrs. Rolfe and Edmunds, Gray's inn; Mr. Fell. Sunderland ; edictal assignee, Mr. Wakiey, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Wean, Geosez and ARCHIBALD TUNEO, Great St. lichen's, wine-merchants, Jan. 14, Feb. 11: solicitors, Mr. Gale, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, 31r. Groom, Ale.
church Lane.
WESTALL, THOMAS, Blanchester' auctioneer, Jan. 14, Feb. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Cheri- ter and Co. Staple Inn ; Mr. Wilson, Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Man-
chester. Wuzums, HUGH, Birkenhead. builder, Jan. 17, Feb. 10: solicitors, Messrs. lifilne and Co. Temple; Mr. Kebtall, Chester; Messrs. Lowndes and Co. Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Liverpool. DIVIDENDS.
Jan. 25, Clevenley, Cumberland PlaCe, Old Kent Road, floor-cloth-manufacturer- Jan. 28, Abbey and Smith, Park Road Brewery, ClapliaM, brewers-Jan. 25, Drew, Bury St. Edmund's, milliner-Jan. 25, P. F. and P. N. Page, King's Road, Gi ay's Inn, builders-Jan. 25, Plumley, Reading, stone-mason-Jan. 27, Graham, Park Street, Grosvenor Square, milliner-Jan. 27, Hyams, Jewry Street, Ablaut., wen:I.-manufactu- rer-Jan. 25, Quincey, Old Street, tin-plate worker-Jan 28, Tr. and S. Watkins, Man- chester, cheater, tallors-Jan. 28, Bentley, BuryilijuLanpacastwhirue:hiraoune-rfto jnandet-2-5.1,ann: an26,dWF..Joe junior, Gainaborougb, grocer-Jan. 26, Leeds, dyers-Jan. hi, Higginson, Liverpool, pawnbroker-Feb. 9, Foatt, Yeovil, glove-
manufacturer. CERTIFIc.ATEL To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Jan. 26, Hastings, Lime Street, wine-merchant-Jan. 26, Thornton, Coleman Street, plumber-Jan. 27, Pink, Westboume Park Villas, Paddington, architect-Jan. 27, Lae
pecon,rs-2.1 jeanw .Stzsree Heath and Dann, Canterbury, dra- 4AbDbeoyrseandt SquSmareith,, oilman-Jail. 28,28Biewery, Clapham, brewers-Jan. 31, Nicholls, Bristol, Mahon-Jan. 25, Knee, Trowbridge, grocer -Jae. 31, Baker, Bristol, grocer-Jan. 25, Hord, Leeds, plumber-Jan. 27, Stocks and Taft, Manchester, bleach- ers-Jan. 26, Lawton Heywood within Heap, Lancashire, grocer. To be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or Wore Ian. 28. Cocker, Hatherhage, Derbyshire, needle-manufacturer-Drew, Bury St. Edmund's, milliner-Carter and Baines, Liverpool, Merchants-Hicks, Mislington, Somenietshire
tailor—Fearniey, Windsor Terrace, City Road, worsted-staff-manufacturer—Bewley, Chelmsford, iron-manufacturer—Richardson. Knaresborough, attorney—Jones, Man- chester, coal-dealer—Featherstone and Kirkpatrick, Manchester, iron-founders- Waddell, Liverpool, wine-merchant—Deak1n, Liverpool, wine-merchant.
G. and J. Barton, Manchester, copper-roller-manufacturers ; first div. of 108. on the separate estate of G. Barton ; first ffiv. of 13s. on the separate estate of J. Barton, Jan. II, and any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester—Dawn. Mansfield, Notting- hamshire, draper; first div. of 3d. Jan. 14, and any subsequent Friday ; Mr. Freeman, Sheffield—Butterill, Doncaster, grocer ; first div. of Is. 3d. Jan. 14, and any subsequent Friday ; Mr. Freeman, Sheffield— Pullen, Sheffield, buster; erst div. of 10d. Jan. 14, and any subsequent Friday ; Mr. Freeman, Sheflield—Sorby, Sheffield, scrivener; first illy. of 2s. Jan. 14, and any subsequent Friday ; Gr. Freeman, Sheffield—Langmead, Teignmouth, banker ; further div. of 2d. any Friday after Jan. 21; Mr. Flernaman, Exeter—Kitson, Cleckheaton, Yorkshire, tow-spinner ; first div. of 38. 10d. Jan. 4, and any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Hope, Leeds—Hail. Walsall, currier; first and second div. of 8d. and 6d.; Mr. Valpy, Birmingham--Proctor, Witham, Essex, wine-merchant ; div. of Is. 3d. Jan. 7, and any subsequent Friday ; Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street.
Bell, Maybole, Ayrshire, merchant, Jan. 8, 29—W. and P. Morrison, Devonside, Clackmannanshire,, manufacturers, Jan. 7, Feb. 4—J. and B. Cockburn and Co. Leith, West India merchants, Jan. 11, Feb. 2—Pride, Glasgow. coach-proprietor, Jan. 10, 29 —Connell, Portobello, Jan. 10, 31—Ewing, Glasgow, merchant, Jan. 10, Feb. 2.
Friday, Jan. 7.
H. and J. Lee, ChLswell Street, builders—Pollard and Grinashaw, White Birk, Lan- cashire, fron-liquor-manufacturers—Flldes and Co. Rochdale, cotton-spinners—The Ox- ford Road Twist Company, Manchester, cotton-spinners—Woods and Penrose, Man- chester, warehousemen—J. and It. Liddell, Hull, brewers—Rawson and Airiewood, Rotherham, iron.founders—Dawbarn and Son, Liverpool, tailors—Held and Horner, Friday Street, silk-plush-manufacturers—Squire and Clough, Leeds, painters—J. and J. H. Kimbell, Hampton-In-Arden Warwickshire, surgeons—Plumb and Rose. Stratford- upon-Avon, ironmongers—Williams and Powell, Liverpool, gun-makers—Lodder and Iligg, Preston, tea-dealers—Armitage and Co. Kirkheaton, Yorkshire, waistcoat-manu- facturers—J. and H. Pike, Little Dean Street, Westminster, ironmongers—R. and H. Clark, Fareham, merchants—Shutt, Brothers, Three Colt Street, Limehouse—Roberts and Sons, Saddieworth, merchants—Schwabe and Gobert, Manchester, merchants—W. EL and N. Caine, Liverpool, Iron-merchants—Cole and Co. Exeter, merchants—Mans- Yield and Newland, Manchester, hat-manufacturers ; as far as regards B. W. Newland —Mutt and Ensor, Margaret Street, Clerkenwell, grocers—J. and E. Mitchell, High Street, Shoreditch, curriers—T. and 11. Minter, Faversham, Kent, auctioneers—Jack and Co. Arequipa, in the republic of Peru, commission-merchants ; as far as regards J. C. Jack—Fifield and Bartlam, Bromley, Shropshire, eurgeons—Isdell and Yates, Manchester, fustian-manufacturers—Bateson and Son, Liverpool, brokers ; as far as regards W. R. Bateson—Williams and Co. Liverpool, corn-factors—Brown and Hewitt, Leicester, booksellers—Hobson and Son, :Almondbury, grocers—Moore and Alexander, Liverpool, ship•brokers—Conlithred and Jones, Southwark Bridge Road, surgeons—Brown and Durrans, Pudsey, Yorkshire, cotton-warp-dyers—Riddle and Dew, Bristol, commission-merchants—Nicholls and Peliatt, Shades, London Bridge, wine-merchants—Jefferies and Co. Kidderminster, grocers ; as far as regards S. Tolley —Milgrim and Coates, York Road, Lambeth, linendrapers—Barrow and Co. Coleman Street, spirit-merchants ; as far as regards C. Barrow—Parry and Co. Wrexham, Den- bighshire, maltsters—Jackson, Brothers, Oldham, hat-manufacturers ; as far as regards J. Jackson junior—Lea and Co. Henley-In-Arden, Warwickshire, attomies-at-law ; as -far as regards W. W. Lea—Jackson and Singleton, Leeds, curriers—Enthoven and Co. Moorgate Street—R. D. and G. H. Palmer, Chelmsford, linendrapers—Hodgson and Drew, Piccadilly, chemists —Hankey and Co. Lawrence Pountney Hill, lead-merchants ; as far as regards W. H. Wright—Mellon and Jepson, Manchester, tinrber-merchants —Webber and Brown, Greenwich, printers—Fenton and Co. Oldham, doublers of cot- ten ; as far as regards J. Fenton—Wyide and Gravatt, King Street, Snow Hill, siaugh- termen—Vincent and Soper, Dartmouth, coal-merchants—Popplewell and Gibson. North Shields, iship-brokers—Applegath and Co. Dartford, printers of silk—Wilkin and Mingaye, Furnival's inn, attornies—Munro and Maenaghten. Greenock, agents.
CARE, WILLism, Bishopsgate Street Without, eheesemonger.
BARCLAY, CATHARINE, Birkenhead, confectioner, to surrender Jan. 17, Feb. 19: soli- citors, Messrs. Chester and Co. Staple Inn; Messrs. Mallaby and Co. Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool.
BARNS, WILLIAM, Milnrow, Lancashire, flannel-manufacturer, Jan. 19, Feb. 10: so- - lieitors, Messrs. Norris and Co. Bedford How; Messrs. Woods and Jackson, Rochdale ; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester.
BArnrort, HENRY, Bradford, Yorkshire, tobacconist, Jan. 24, Feb.17 : solicitors, Mr. Nethersole, New Inn ; Mr. Foster, Bradford ; Messrs. Haile and Clark, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds.
Calms, THOMAS, Leeds, currier, Jan. 18, Feb. 8: solicitors, Messrs. Wiglesworth and Co. Gray's Inn ; Mr. Myers, Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds.
• FoxLEY, BacHAID, Herne, Rent, brickmaker, Jan. 19, Feb. 26: eolleiter, Mr. Pem- berton, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aidermanbury.
GzAvEs, GEORGE, Norton Folgate, eheesemonger, Jan. 19, Feb. 19: solicitor, Mr. Dods, St. Martin's Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street.
GREGORY, WILLIAM, Liverpool, hosier, Jan. 21, Feb. 11: solicitors, Messrs. Keightley and Co. Chancery Lane ; Mr. Holden, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool.
°BTUs, JOHN ISAIAH, and CO., Llanelly, Carmarthenshire, engineers. Jan. 20, Feb. 21: solicitors, Mr. Williams, Gray's Inn ; Mr. Grove, Llanelly ; official assignee, Mr. Tnrquand, Guildhall Chambers.
HAN, MARIA, Wells, milliner, Jan. 25, Feb. 22: solicitors, Mr. Whitaker, Lincoln's Inn Plaids; Mr. Hobbs, Wells ; official assignee, Mr.Hutton, Bristol.
HILL, HENRY, Gray's Inn Lane, brewer, Jan. 19, Feb. 19: solicitors, Messrs. Law- fence and Plows, Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street.
Lennie, Moira.% Great Trinity Lane, commission-agent. Jan. 20, Feb. 15 : solicitor, Mr. Towsey, Coleman Street ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.
MAI-mews, Thomas, Shrewsbury, millwright, Jan. 18, Feb. 22: solicitors, Mr. Hughes, Shrewsbury; Messrs. Motteram and Knowles, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham.
MEDWIN, THOMAS CHARLES, Borough Hoed, engineer, Jan. 14, Feb. 18: solicitor, Mr. Wheatley, Walbrook ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.
NAPIElt junior, James, Sheffield, oil-merchant, Jan. 21, Feb. 18: solicitors, Mr. Fiddey, Temple ; Mr. Fretson, Sheffield ; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Sheffield. NicnoLson, WILLIAM, Leeds, innkeeper, Jan. 22, Feb. 12: solicitors, Mr. Rushworth, Staple Inn ; Mr. Sanderson, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Stansfeld, Leeds.
PAUL, SAMUEL, Bodmin, grocer, Jan. 17, Feb. 10: 'solicitors, Messrs. Atkinson and -Co. Church Court, Lothbury ; Mr. Pearce, Bodmhl ; Mr. Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter.
Posaurr, RICHARD, Huddersfield, banker, Jan. 18, Feb. 8: solicitors, Messrs. Wil- liamson and Co. Great James Street, Bedford Bow; Messrs. Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds.
Sumas, WILLIAM, Manchester, paperhanger, Jan. 17, Feb. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; Messrs. Hampson and Son, Manchester; official as- signee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester.
SMITH, WILLIAM SnAw, Reading, scrivener, Jan. 20, Feb. 17: solicitors, Messrs. Selby and Mackeson, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basing-
hall Street. •
THEOBALD, Jong HUDSON, and CHURCH, JABEE, Deptford, coke-manufacturers, Jan. 14, Feb. 18: solicitors, Messrs. Wire and Child, SwIthin's Lane ; Mr. Barnes, and Messrs. Mason and Howard, Colchester; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms
SYNNOT, MARK BETON, Liverpool, merchant, Jan. 20, Feb. 10: solicitors, Messrs. Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row ; Messrs". Lowndes and Co. Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Liverpool. TURNER, HENRY, Coventry Street, fishmonger, Jan. 13, Feb. 15: solicitor, Sir. Yates, Bury Street, St. Mary Axe ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.
WAircorr, WILLIAM, Buckfastleigh, Devonshire, innkeeper, Jan. 17, Feb. 10: soli- citors, Mr. Harris, Lincoln's Inn ; Mr. Kelly, Plymouth ; Mr. Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Hernansan, Exeter.
Jan. 28, Chappeiow junior, Jermyn Street, saddler—Jan. 28, White, East Cowes, Ship-builder--Jan. 28, Pile and Staunton, Bishopsgate Street Without, wine-merchants —Jan. Si, Cann, Woolwich, bricklayer—Jan. 28, Bennett, New City Chambers, Bi- ahopsgate Street Within, Gather-merchant—Jai. 28, (Malty, Stangate, Lambeth, mast- maker—Jan. 28, Drysdale, Lamb's Conduit Street, auctioneer—Jan. 28, Baker, Lud- gate Hill, grocer—Jan. 28, Wills, Tottenham Court New Road, statuary—Feb. 1, Bar- ber, Walsall, banker—Jan. 29, Wainwright, Birmingham, draper—Jan. 31, Robinson,
Huddersfield, woolstapier—Jan. 31, Thompson, Rawden, Yorkshire, merchant—Feb. 23, Morton, Leeds, paper-stainer—Jan. 31, Hirst, Leeds, merchant—Jan. 31, Lupton, Leeds, flax•spinner—Feb. 4, Reynolds and Fairbaak, Sheffield, builders—Jan. 28, Be.
binson, Kendal, out of business. CERTIFICATES.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
Jan. 29, Parrish, High Street, Keiwington—Jan. 28, Newson, St. Mary Axe, coin. mission-agent—Jan. 31, Merrett, Greenwich, draper—Jan. 28, Astill, Nottingham, iron. monger—Jan. 28, Wayte, Basforel, Nottinghamshire, Ironfounder--Jan. 28, Ripphigals, Ordeal], Nottinghamshire, auctioneer—Feb. 11, S. and G. Sherratt, kfaralon-upon-Dove, Derbyshire, blacksmiths. To be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on Or before Jan. 28. Bone, Millbank Street, victualler—T. and J. Rldehough, Halifax, worsted-spinners —Sharpies, jun. Daisyileld, Blackburn, cotton-spinner—Gusterson, Paradise Walk, Chelsea, builder—J. H. and G. Southern, Ashton-under-Lyne, cotton-spinners.
Arnold, Paternoster Row, bookseller ; third div. of 101d. on any Wednesday ; Mr.
Graham, Coleman Street. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. Cumming, Glasgow, stair-railer, Jan. 14, Feb. 4—Mitchell, Glasgow, iron-merchant, Jan. 10, 31—Virtue, Glasgow, fruit merchant, Jan. 13, Feb. 10—Mitchell, Edinburgh, brewer, Jan. 13, Feb. 7—Tolleth, Edinburgh, spirit-dealer, Jan. 13, Feb. 3—Allison, Glasgow, glass-manufacturer, Jan. 11, Feb. 1—Coupar junior, Forfar, shoe-maker, Jan. 12, Feb. 2—Turnbull, Airdrie, miller, Jan 15, Feb. 4—Cochran, Glasgow, muslin. manufacturer, Jan. 13, Feb. 4—Sinclair, Achallander, by Tyndrum, Argyleshire, farmer, Jan. 12, Feb. 8—Landels, Bothwell, Lanarkshire, grocer, Jan. 15, Feb. 5.