Ireland Supplies A Strange Jumble Of Documents,—reports...
and altar denunciation ; an epistle from St. Jarlatlfs, asserting widespread destitution, extenuating altar de- nunciations, and rating Lord John Russell ; proclamations of more......
News Of The Week.
INCREASED expenditure with a declining revenue is the untoward financial process proclaimed by documents which we reprint this week. The Revenue-tables, both for the year and......
The Speech Of Queen Maria On Opening The Portuguese Cortes
is one of the most unblushing state papers it has been our luck to The speech of Queen Maria on opening the Portuguese Cortes is one of the most unblushing state papers it has......
The Fears Of Pius The Ninth's Retrograde Condition Deepen :
still, we think, on insufficient evidence. A coincidence, however, is noted between these reports, the arrival of Lord Minto in Rome, and the continued intercourse of that......
The Past Week Has Been An Eventful Chapter In French
history : the King's sister, Madame Adelaide, has suddenly fallen a victim to the prevailing epidemic; her brother, aged, enfeebled by the same malady, is bowed down by grief;......