The First Prisoner Tried Before The Special Commission At...
on Wednes- day was William Ryan alias Puck, for the murder of John Kelly, who had been put in possession of land previously tenanted by Ryan's family, in September last. Ryan......
Athices From Glasgow Report The Failure Of J. Anderson And
Co., merchants; W. and A. Taylor, manufacturers; M'Phail, spinners; Gilmour and Kerr, the same; and T. Waddle, merchant. The liabilities of Anderson and Co. are stated at......
The Theatres.
The production upon the modern stage of an ancient Greek tragedy, per- formed in the ancient manner, in so far as it can be known or conjectured what that manner was, is an......
The Packet-ship Yorkshire Arrived At Liverpool Yesterday...
from New York to the 18th December, and 45,0001. in specie. In the Senate, on the 14th, Mr. Dickenson submitted resolutions indirectly re- commending the annexation of Mexico;......
East India Shipping.
Alumni—At Gravesend, 1st Jan. Oriental Queea, Lane, from Mauritius; 24, Ja- pan, Be Groot, from Batavia ; and John King, Martin, from Mauritius ; 3d, Banga- lore, Parsons, from......
Money Market.
• STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY APTERN0011. The announcement yesterday that the revenue for the qearter ending on the 5th was deficient only about 1,000,000/. produced a favourable......