8 JANUARY 1848, Page 19


OMWEIE OP ORDNANCE, Jan. 1.-Royal Regt. of Artillery-Brevet Major It. W. Story to be Lient.:Col. vice Dowse, deceased ; Second Capt. Hon. 11. F. Handcock to be Capt. vice Story; First Lieut. F. E. Ward to be Second Capt. vice Ilandcock ; Second Lieut. S. P. J. Childers to be First Lieut. vice Ward.

WAR-OFFICE, Jan. 7.-44th Regt. of Foot-Gent. Cadet W. T. Baker, from the Royal Mil. Col. to be Ensign, without purchase, Vice Strode, appointed to 61st Foot. 58th Foot-Lieut. I. II. Cooper, to be Adjt. vice M`Lerie, who resigns the Adjutancy only. Net Foot-Lieut. T. P. 11. Fitzmayer, to be Capt. without purchase, vice Bllgh, de-

ceased; Ensign R. Greig to be Lieut. vice Fitzmayer ; Ensign .J. G. M. Stroud, from the 44th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Greig. 94th Foot-Ensign S. Sexton, from the 2d

West India Regt. to be Ensign, vice Farrington, appointed to the 98th Foot. 98th Foot -Lieut. J. A. Street to be Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet Major Grimes, deceased ; Entagn C. H. Fresson to be Limit. vice Street ; Ensign D. M. Farrington, from 94th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Pressen.

Id West India Regt.-E. Grigg, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Sexton, appointed to the 94th Foot. Ceylon Rifle Eegt.-Sec. Lieut, C. C. Grantham to be First Lieut. without purchase, vice Drake, deceased ; Sec. Lieut. C. E. Kingsmill to be First Lieut. without purchase, vice Grantham, whose appointment has been cancelled ; R. S. C. Sillery, Gent, to be Sec. Lieut. Vice Kingsmlli.

Hospital Staff--E. A. Jenkin, Gent, to be Assist.-Sorg. to the Forces.

ADIMALTY, Dec.29.-Corps or Royal Marines-Second Lieut. F. C. Effight to be First Lieut. vice Burney, deceased.

ADMIRALTY, Dec. 30.-Corps Of Royal Marines-Gent. Cadet C. B. Parke to be Se- cond Lieut.; Gent, Cadet J. Y. Holland to be Second Lieut. Gent. Cadet N. liacna- mara to be Second LieuL ; Gent. Cadet J. E. Lock to be Second Lieut.

ADIHRALTT, Jan. 4.-Corps of Royal Marines-Lieut.-Col. A. H. Gordon to be Col. Second Commandant, vice .T. Peebles, deceased; Brevet Major J. I. Wiliest to be Lieut.- Col. vice Gordon, promoted ; First Lieut. R. M. Curry to be Capt. vice Writes, pro- moted ; Second Lieut. F. E. Budd to be First, Lieut. vice Curry, promoted ; Second Lieut. T. Q. Meade to be First Lieut.