The Greek Members in the Cretan Chamber have passed unanimously
a Resolution affirming the necessity of union with Greece, the Mussulmans who objected being paled out of order. The vote has excited enthusiasm at Athens, and is strongly approved by Prince George, who, it is reported, has even threatened, if the Powers reject the Cretan prayer, to resign the High Commissionership. The Powers BA yet are obdurate, declaring that the Sultan would not agree to resign his suzerainty, and that the convenience of Europe requires that the existing arrangement should continue. It is difficult to see what Crete would gain from union with Greece; but so it was to see what the Septinsular Republic would gain, yet the islands voted for union and have never shown any tendency to repent the vote. As the Cretans are persistent, as Prince George is a friend of the Czar, and as the Powers do not care so long as Great Britain is kept out of the island, we should say the request of the islanders would ere long be granted. The Mussulmans are leaving the island, but the Turks of Asia Minor do not want them, and many are returning to live quietly beneath the rule of the infidel. Fifty millions of them do it in India, and the sky does not fall.