Women And The Humanities.
[To TIIE EDITOR OF THE "3PECTATOR:1 SIR,—There is, I think, one important phase of the education question which is affected by Mr. Carnegie's magnificent gift, and which is not......
The Starling.
[TO THR EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sin, — With reference to the merits of the starling as a destroyer in this country of mischievous insects, as pointed out in one of the......
The Curlew.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,-If the fact is of any interest, I may add to your editorial note on the breeding of curlews (Spectator, June 1st) from my personal......
The Green Girdle.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR:"] was exceedingly interested in your article on the above subject in the Spectator of May 18th, but allow me to direct'your and your readers'......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator."]
Sin,—The "dream house" described in the Spectator of June 1st reminds me of a "dream room" of my own experience. During the early years of the "sixties," I repeatedly dreamed......
The Death Of Marshal Ney.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPEOTATOR:1 SIR,—Whilst visiting the Paris Salon last week, I noticed a picture thus described:—" No. 434, L' Outrage, 7 Decembre, 1815 . Apree......
A FOREST IDYLL. I PEERED from out the canvas walls And saw the golden crescent rise From silent waters, heard the calls Of rousing birds, the far replies: I saw the golden......