8 JUNE 1901, Page 24

Notes of a Rambler. By D. Brown Anderson. (Houlston and

Sons. 5s.)—Mr. Anderson has given us here between thirty and forty papers. Some of them are transcripts of natural scenes; now and then we find a vein of speculation; commonly we have biographical sketches. Naturally most of the subjects are Scots; the majority are Judges ; sometimes we have a poet—Scotland has not produced these plentifully of late—and even a "play- actor." The whole makes a very pleasant, readable book, with now and then a good story. Here is a specimen "It may be doubted," said a certain censor eastigatorque minorunt, "whether any man of our age has bathed more deeply in the sacred foun- tains of antiquity." (He was censuring a certain want of rever- ence exhibited about an eminent scholar.) "Or come up drier," was the answer.