Employme n t agencies S ir: 1 was surprised to read your leader
?n employment agencies and your reply (0 Mr Donald Cropper, Secretary-Gen eral of the Federation of Personnel Services. w It seems unusual for The Spectator, hich appears to take a liberal approach economic matters, to be supporting a an on private sector agencies and a
State monopoly in employment services.
If economic liberalism is still your policy, surely you should be supporting competition in these services as in others. The people who want a single State-run service are the trade unions, who would then find it easier to operate closed shops and to control individual job-seekers.
At the moment people are still free to seek the best service to meet their own needs. Research has shown that very many prefer to use the private sector agencies, particularly for the individual attention they receive. As long as private agencies continue to provide the right service, they should be allowed to do so.
R. Ernest