Powell And The Tories
Sir: Astounding and incredible though it may seem to so many it is the The Spectator that is now prime mover and promulgator of one of the greatest Tory U-turns of them all: I......
Market Debate
From Miss D. Vigne Smith Sir: When the Tory government under Mr Heath was accused of breaking the promise not to commit us irrevocably to full political integration with Europe......
Lord Hailsham And Justice
Sir: Lord Hailsham's review of Just How Just (February 15) does justice neither to himself, the book nor the case for reform which David Lewis and I outlined. He concedes that......
Educational Standards
Sir: I wish to support the plea made by Marjorie Reed (Letters, March 1) for "something constructive" in your columns about education. Dr Rhodes Boyson, in articles over the......
Combating Prejudice
Sir: As a local education authority careers officer professionally involved with the employment prospects of immigrants; I was very interested IV Gillian Athisayan's article......