Combating Prejudice
Sir: As a local education authority careers officer professionally involved with the employment prospects of immigrants; I was very interested IV Gillian Athisayan's article......
Electoral Reform
Sir: A point perhaps not very clear from Mr Anthony Wigram's letter is that by striving to maintain the two party System, vainly hoping to absorb the Liberal vote, the......
Chur C H Patronage
Sir: Your criticism (February 22) of the General Synod's decision to abolish the Power of private patrons to choose their Parish priests is justified and vitally relevant at a......
Employme N T Agencies S Ir: 1 Was Surprised To Read Your...
?n employment agencies and your reply ( 0 Mr Donald Cropper, Secretary-Gen eral of the Federation of Personnel Se rvices. w It seems unusual for The Spectator, hich appears to......
7 Rosecroft Avenue, London Nw3
This fertile land Sir: Almost every allotment society now has a waiting list, and with wages (but not pensions) doubling in three years, and prices in four, the provision of......
Sin I have for some time suspected that ! suffer from what Kai Lung describes as 'ordinariness of intellect'; and my suspicion seems to be confirmed by my inability to......
Morgan Motors
Sir: Whilst wholeheartedly agreeing with the sentiment expressed in your Notebook's comment 'Small is Beautiful' (February 15), I believe that you have overlooked the dependence......
Mental Health
From Dr J. R. Nelson Sir: If 1 may answer the question posed by Thomas Szasz to Dr Sargant (February 22) persons suffering from cancer or heart disease decide to accept or......
Abortion Reform
Sir: The overwhelming support which the House of Commons gave to the principle of Mr James White's Abortion Reform Bill reflects the national awareness of some of the problems......
Edward Lear
Sir: We have been commissioned by the Oxford University Press to edit a new collection of Edward Lear's nonsense, and we would like to appeal through your columns for drawings,......