• The trial of the persons arrested by the Belgian
Government,— .•onScihoie release King WILLIAM and his coadjutors, the members .-allie'Conference, have rested the release of M. THoRN,—was to takelilaCe on Wednesday. The charge against twenty-three of the twenty-nine prisoners is a capital one. They are described as "Having plotted to change or overthrow the government in the province of Luxemburg, and exciting civil war; having raised troops for this purpose; having, by .spieches at public meetings, or by printed placards, excited the inhabitants to commit such crimes; having made part of the seditious armed band; having been guilty of pillage, by taking away muskets and other arms belonging to the civic.guard ; and lastly, as having carried off registers and documents from private offices of some receivers of taxes."
There are sixty-eight witnesses to be examined, and twenty barristers are engaged to defend the accused; so that the trial will not end in a day.
The cholera continues to ravage Brussels; the deaths average from sixty to seventy daily. We notice an exceedingly humane regulation of an individual whose name deserves all the commemoration we can bestoW " At Halpe," says the Brussels paper of the 2d, "where there has been only one case (not fatal),M. Hennessy, whose paper-manufactory gives employment to almost the whole Of the poor classes, has ordered his workuien to leave off the moment they feel the slightest symptoms, and to apply immediately to ttlx.physiciansi promising to continue their wages during the whole time that heir from itindisposition• may last, and to defray all the expenses that may ensue
." . . •
If every master, who can afferd it, were to follow tins plan, we might spare the expense of Cholera Boards and Cholera , Hospitals." • The Belgic Chambers are expected to meet at an early day ; the place of meeting is to be prepared for their reception by the 15th instant.. • • It was currently reported that LEOPOLD was to receive a large dower with his spouse : it appears, however, that Louis Plump gave her nothing but her bridal paraphernalia, in value about 20,000/., and the estates which she received as her portion when Louis accepted the throne of the French, the rents of which he retains for his life. It is said he means to apply to the Deputies of France, when they meet, to enable him to portion his daughter suitably to her birth and station ; but we cannot believe he will try the patience of the Chamber quite so severely. The last part of the Belgian loan of 48,000,000 francs, is said to have been contracted for by Mr. ROTHSCHILD, at 75 per cent.
The Message). des Chambres of Sunday states, on the credit of a letter from Brussels, that all fear of a collision between Holland and Belgium is at an end, and that their differences will be settled amicably and soon. Belgium will, it says, pay a toll for the navigation of the Scheldt; not that which was demanded by Holland, but a more moderate sum, which has been fixed by the Conference. There was a strange report prevalent at Brussels, of Prince METTERNICH'S being expected there, and also of his intention to proceed to England.