8 SEPTEMBER 1832, page 22
The Army.
WAR - OFFICE, September 7th.-4th Regt. of Dragoon Guards : Cornet A. B. E. Holdsworth to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Chawner, promoted-31d Regt. of Light Dragoons : Lieut. G. H.......
From The London Gazettes. Tuesday, September 4.
INSOLVENTS. BANKRUPTS. FOSTER, MARAIADUKE, Liverpool, chemist, to surrender October 2, 16: solicitors, Messrs. Dewhtirst and Todd, Preston ; and Mr. Jeyes, Chancery Lane.......
Friday, September 7.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. M. and S. TAYT.OR, Hereford, milliners-J. and C. DAWES, Cheltenham. commoncarriers-W. and R. TAYLOR, Shrewsbury, maltsters-OseirAm and Co., Bucelench......