Friday, September 7.
M. and S. TAYT.OR, Hereford, milliners-J. and C. DAWES, Cheltenham. commoncarriers-W. and R. TAYLOR, Shrewsbury, maltsters-OseirAm and Co., Bucelench Terrace, Clapton, schoolmistiesses-BenToN and Sous, Hauley, Staffordshire, mercers -DAY and Co., Berry Street, Clerkenwell, mustard-mautsfacturers-TAYsort and Co., Piccadilly, tailors; as far as regards G. THOMAS-DURDEN and Co., Dorchester, plumbers-FrAmArra and Lose jun., Okeltrunpton. Devonshire, mercers-J. and J. GURlaY, Islington, victuallers-AxmAos: and Co., Cannon Street, wine merchantsPARSONS and Sou, Birmingham, gun-furniture-makers-Hoxsiwiss and Co., Berner's Street, Oxford Street, coach-makers; as far as regards T. HONEYWILL-J. and J. CurtsinecinAsi, Warrington, Lancashire. linen.drapers-WiterzwAY and Co., Torquay and Kingmore, Devonshire, St. John's, Newfonndlaud, and elsewhere, merchants.
COLLINS, JANE, Palborough, Sussex, draper, Sept. 6.
BRADWELL, WILLIAM DAVID, Gower Street, lararding-house-keeper, to surrender-Sept. 21, Oet.19 : solicitor, Mr. Ford, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Tokenhouse Yard. -BRAISE, GEORGE HENRY, East Street, Manchester Square, builder, Sept. 12, Oct. 19: solicitor, Mr. Howell, Hatton Garden ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basing:hall Street. Atrowie, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, and CO. Liverpool, oil-manufacturers, Oct. 2, 19: solicitors, Messrs. Walmsley Rodeo. Chancery Lane ; and Mr. Mather, Liverpool. Honsors, JAMES, Gale, Lancashire, calico-printer, Sept. 20,21. Oct. 19: solicitors, Messrs. Mihie and Co. Temple; and Messrs. Walker and Jesse, Manchester. MATURE, Jens, Hindley, Lancashire, innkeepersOet. 1, 19: sdicitors, Messrs. Mine and Co. Temple ; and Mr. Hopwood, 'Wigan. Scaosswau, GEORGE, Ferriby, Kingston-upon-Hull, merchant, Oct. 2, 19: solicitors, Messrs. Rosser and Son, Gray's Inn Place ; and Mr. Frost, Hull. SPENCER, JOHN and WILLIAM, New Sheffield, Northumberland, steel-manufacturers, fept. 28, Oct. 19: solicitors, Messrs. Brooksbank and Farn, Gray's Inn Square; and Mx. Brown, Neweastle-upon-Tyne.
Oct. 4, Fortnum and Meneke, Nunhead Hill, patent-brick-makers-Oct. 3, Agnew, +Grosvenor 'Square, banker-Oct. 2, Hawes and Smith. Horsley Street, SWalworth, Ibuilders-Oet. 4, Finch, Rochester, coal-merchant-Oct. 2, Head and Marshall, Battle Bridge, whitelead-merchants-Oct. 3, Jermyn, Baklock, •Hertfordshire„shopkeeperOct. 4, Wright, Rathbone Place, upholsterer-Oct. 4, Grant, Kensington, builderSept. 29, Neale, Bennett Street, Bladtfriars Road, bookseller-Sept. 29, Goater, High Holborn, victualler-Sept. 29, Scagell, Beckenham, victualler-Oct. 1, Newman, Old Cavendish Street, vietualler-Sept. 28, Gill, Upper Street, Islington. linen-draperOct. 1, Ridding, Birmingham, tanner-Oct. 2, Quay, Bridlington, Yorkshire, innkeeper -Oct. le Appleyard, Leeds, dyer-Oct. 2, Atkinson, York, woollen-draper-Oct.-2, J. and T. Balaton, Grantham, ironmowsers--Oet. 4, Williams, Droitwich, builder-Oct. 5, Whitehouse, Worcester, skinner-Oct. 4, (lush-in, Worcester, hatter-Oct. 3, Chadwick, Crab Eye, Lancashire, cotton-spinaer-Oct. 5. .1llmand, Vern, Shropshire, victuallerOct. 3, Wakley, Langport, Somersetshire, feounionger-Oct. '5, Morgan and Jayne, Clydaels Monmouthshire, provision-merchants.
To be granted, unless cause be shows to the coub wry, on or before Sept. 28. Kelly, Angel Court, Throgreorton Street, merchant-Dixon, Fore Street, :Lambeth, tour-factor-Cook, Warminster, gunsmith.
Snouts WI:Luau, Glasgow, writer, Sept. 10, Oct. 1.