8 SEPTEMBER 1832, page 20

Be Nt Fiami C S.

DR. SOUTHWOOD SMITH'S Lecture over the body of JEREMY BEETRAM as it lay before him on the anatomical table, both by the oc casion and the character of the performance, is a most......

The Other Work Whose Title We Have Inscribed, Is A

posthumous pamphlet of Mr. BENTHAM, apparently his last work, in which he applies his juridical principles to the destruction of Lord BROUGHAM'S Bankruptcy Court. One of his......

Books On The Table.

1. Dr. LARDNER has just published a most valuable manual of Chemistry in his Cyclopedia. The author is Mr. DoNovAN. In a short space, it appears to us to contain a luminous......

The Arts.

THE Second Part of Mr. GOULD'S splendid wcrk of the Birds of Europe has appeared; and is even superior to the First, in the beauty and variety of its specimens, and in the......