FROM THE LONDON GAZETTES. Tuesday, September 4.
FOSTER, MARAIADUKE, Liverpool, chemist, to surrender October 2, 16: solicitors, Messrs. Dewhtirst and Todd, Preston ; and Mr. Jeyes, Chancery Lane. FRANCIS, WILLIAM, Bristol, builder, September 14, October 16: solicitors, Mr. Goolden, John Street, Bristol ; and Mr. Henderson, Surry Street, Strand. FRASER, JAMES, Leadenhall Street, ships' heartIonianufacturer. September 14, October 16 : solicitors. Messrs. Johnson aud Weatherall, Temple; and Messrs. Fearnhead and Campbell, Nottineliam ; official assignee, Mr. Cannan, Lothbary. HEWES, WILLIAM, Newark-upon-Trent, miller, September 14, October 16: solicitors, Mr. Shearman, Gray's Inn; and Mr. Spurr, Gainshorough. PArres, WILLIAM, Heaton Norris, Lancashire, druggist. September 24, 25, October 16: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co., Temple; and Mr. Wood, Bullock Smithy, near Stockport. PUCICIUDGE, BENJAMIN WAKELINO, Southampton, coaclomaker, September 11, October 16: solicitor, Mr. Pope, Gray's Inn Square ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. Coleman Street.
SHARP, FRANCES, and LEE Boo,TisomAs, Brighton, lodging-housekeepers, September 12, October 16: solicitors, Mr. Sowton, Great James Street, Bedford Row ; and Mr. Greene, Brighton. WISDEN, JOSEIGI, Brighton, builder, September 28, October 16: solicitors, Messrs.
Palmer and France, Bedford ; and Messrs. Coldbateli and Upperton, Brighton.
Sept. 25, Delves, Tunbridge Wells, lodging-house-keeper-Oct. 3, Perks, MonektonCombo, Somersetshire, cheese-factor-Oct 3, Thomson and Mildred, Sun Court, Cornbill, merchants-Sept. 25, Barnett, Coudnit Street, Bond Street, mercer-Sept. 25. Hunt and 'Clarke, York Street, Covent Garden. booksellers-Sept. 26, Gel& Totteuliam Court Road, and Carman, Hampstead Road, lead-merchants-Sept. 26. Skilbeek and Slater, King Street, Cheapside, Manehester-warehousemen-Oct. 1, Hill, Strand, hatter-Oct. 1, Nichols and Walter. Skinner Street, ironmongers-Oct. 1, Gardiner, Norton Falgate, ironmonger Oct. 1, Vise, Crawford Street, Br acetone Square, stationer Sept. 28, Embleton, Neweastle-upon-Tyne, tanner Sept. 26, Norton, Birmingham, ',dicierSept. 95, Lucas, Burnham, Sussex. farmer-Sept. 27, SI-Gide and Wakefield, Manchester, milliners-Sept. 26, Nicholls, Birmingham, builder-Sept. 26. W. and T. Hewitt, Kingston-upon-Hull, merchants-Sept. 27, Fry. Liverpool, mercbant---Sept. 29,. Willcox, Walcot, Somersetshire, diair-maker-Sept. 27, Maggs, Bath, clutir-maker.
To be granted, unless cause be duacn to the contrary, on or before Sept. 25.
Fitch, Halsted, Essex, auctioneer-Cope, Birmingham. liquor-merchant -Follows, Northfield, Worcestershire, builder-Saunders jtm. Austinfriars. merchant-Soliwieso, Tottenham Street, harp-maker Watts, St. Margaret's Hill, Southwark, hop.merehant --Bowes. Leeds, tlassspinner-Hall, Etruria, Staffordshire, maltster-Parker, Worcester, money-scriveuer-Wright and Woodlice& Woodroyd, Yorkshire, dyers.
LANG, JAMES, Gallowgate, Glasgow, baker. Sept. 10. 24.