(TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTA.T011.1 Sin,—My friend, Mr. Quick, hardly does me justice in putting me into the same boat with Mr. Strachey. Mr. Strachey and I object to the Monitorial system 011 very different grounds. Mr. Strachey says it is useless, and gets his answer from the facts. quite agree with Mr. Quick that it is useful,—that if a herd of boys are to be " governed " by a few masters, and if the moral education of boys is to be accomplished solely by attendance at chapel (understanding what that means), and by the influence of the boys on each other in that " conduct " which Matthew Arnold says is "three-fourths of life," and if morality is to be' summed up in "thou shalt not bully," it is better that "the best boys lead," than that "both legislative and executive func- tions should be exercised by mere athletes." I questioned Mr. Quick's dilemma ; he hugs the dilemma, and passes over my-