8 SEPTEMBER 1877, page 13
Mr. Leslie Stephen And The Roman Catholics. [to Thh Editor
OF THE ssrsersroa."] Sin,—Ina very ingenious article on the "Scepticism of Believers," contributed by Mr. Leslie Stephen to the current number of the Fortnightly 1?eciew, the......
[to The Editor Of The Uspectator.1 Si11,—if The Opponents Of
the Monitorial system object entirely- to any authority whatever being delegated to boys at school, they must surely be prepared to tell us what to put in the placer of the......
The Dual Self.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "EPEOTATOR:"] SII1,—I see that the argument for immortality from conscious personal relations with the Deity, quoted by Mr. Greg, has at- tracted some......