8 SEPTEMBER 1877, page 3

Mr. Matthew Arnold Seems To Have Shown His Usual Lucid

sense in the remarks on spelling reform which he has em- bodied in his annual report as Inspector of Schools, lie admits the irregularities of our language, but says that 4 '......

The Rev. F. 0. Morris Sent To The Times Of

Saturday last a most interesting account of the work of the " Yorkshire Penny Bank," an institution of which, he says, no other English county 'can boast, and which is certainly......

Strikes And Rumours Of Strikes Is The News From All

parts of the country. The dispute between the London builders and their men as to the rate of wages and hour of beginning work is still unsettled ; the lock-out on the Clyde......

Bishop Fraser, Preaching At Halifax Last Sunday, Seems To...

taken ground as broad against anything that can be called ' sacerdotal ' pretensions in the Church, as even a Quaker could take. Sacerdotal claims meant, he said, claims to......

Consols Were On Friday 95+-95i.


Brigham Young's Successor At Salt Lake City Is Not Yet

ap- pointed, and it is understood that in the meantime the Mormon Church will be governed by twelve Elders. But by far the likeliest successor to the Prophet is his son, John W.......

Sir Charles Mice Addressed His Constituents On Tuesday At...

and there was a perceptible reversion in it to the anti- Russian animus of a year ago. He was severe on anything like "foolish confidence in the Liberal sympathies of a Power......

The Melbourne Correspondent Of The Times, In The Letter Pub-

lished on Monday last, asserts that " Professor Pearson [C. H. Pearson, the historian, Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford], the one man of culture who supported Mr. Berry's......

Archdeacon Denison, On The Occasion Of His Twenty-first...

the other day a speech on the food-and-drink question. There were some odd things at this festival—a loaf of ninety-four pounds and a cheese weighing ninety, for example —but......