The Revenue accounts for the year and quarter ending the
5th of April have been published. They are not more unfavourable than was to be expected from the general state of the national finances. On the year, indeed, there has been an increase in three of the five chief items—on the Customs 175,9054 on the Taxes 422,1881., and on the Post-office 90,000/. The decrease of 65,4271. on the Excise is more than counterbalanced by the in- crease on the Customs ; and on the Stamps the decrease of 123,5891. is countervailed by the larger amount of Taxes. The gross increase on the year is 687,941/. The quarter's accounts show less favourably. There is a decrease in four of the chief items—in the Customs 23,4554 Excise 116,309/., Stamps 77,9171., Taxes 71,3921. The increase on the Post-office is 49,0001.; a considerable step. There is a large increase also in Miscellaneous, of 274,0671.; but some Chinese cash swells that amount. The gross increase on the quarter is 111,332/. It is something, how- ever, to have any increase at all, in the state of affairs.