The Old Parish Constables And New Rural Police.
Ire a letter inserted in a previous page, we are taken to task, by the author of a clever work of fiction which we formerly reviewed, for our supposed heresies in the matter of......
Ancient Concerts.
THE Ancient Concerts continue their accustomed career, with, per- haps, a tendency to diverge more widely from their original design. The preponderance on Tuesday night was as......
Act U.
Siufonia, No. 6 Mower. Aria. Mr. J. A. NoVELLO, " Menne tt laseto" MoZART. Fantasia, Clarinet, Mr. GolIDSWAARD REISSEOER. Tersett , . Madame CARADORI ALLAN, Mr. Moans, and Mr J.......
Commercial Credit.
THE Examiner of last Sunday contains an ingenious criticism upon Mr. ROEBUCK'S remarks on the inquisitorial nature of the Income- tax. Mr. ROEBUCK said—" As to the inquisitorial......