Debates An Vroceerfings In Varliatitatt.
THE NEW FINANCE MEASURES. Soon after the reassembling of the House on Monday, Mr. RAIKES CURIUE rose to put a question to Sir Robert Peel, on the answer to which would depend......
Zbt Artztropolis.
A special meeting of the Court of Common Council was held on Tuesday. The report of the Thames Navigation Committee was read, and its adoption was moved. Mr. David Wire moved......
Gbe Vrobinros.
The county meeting took place at Lincoln, on Monday last. Sir John Nelthorpe, the High Sheriff, assumed the chair ; and on the plat- form were, Mr. Christopher, M.P., the Earl......
Ghe Court
The Court removed to town on Monday. The Queen and Prince Albert, followed by the Royal infants and the suite, and escorted by a party of Hussars, left Windsor Castle in five......