ghe Court
The Court removed to town on Monday. The Queen and Prince Albert, followed by the Royal infants and the suite, and escorted by a party of Hussars, left Windsor Castle in five carriages and four, and arrived at Buckingham Palace at five o'clock.
On Wednesday, the Queen held a Court and investiture of the Order of the Bath ; the Duke of Sussex, acting Grand Master of the Order, Prince Albert, and the Duke of Wellington, being present. Lieute- nant-General Sir Howard Douglas received the insignia of a Civil Knight Grand Cross from the Queen. Admiral the Honourable Sir John Talbot and Admiral Sir Henry Digby received the insignia of the same military dignity. Lieutenant-General Sir John Wilson, Major- General Sir John George Woodford, Vice-Admiral Sir John Chambers White, Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Richardson, and Rear-Admiral Sir Arthur Farquhar, were invested as Knights Commanders.
The Queen gave audiences to Mr. Bligh, Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Hanover ; and to Sir Robert Peel and the Lord Chamber- lain. The Bishop of Barbados was presented to her Majesty.
Sir Robert Peel and Lord Hill had audiences on Tuesday.
The Duke of Cleveland, the Duke of Norfolk, and the Marquis of Hertford, had audiences of the Queen yesterday, each to resign the in- signia of the Order of the Garter worn by his late father.
The Queen gave the first Drawing-room for the season, at Bucking- ham Palace, on Thursday. The attendance was not very numerous.
The Queen and Prince Albert went to Drury Lane Theatre on Mon- day; on Tuesday, to Covent Garden ; yesterday, to the Haymarket. They visited the Queen Dowager on Wednesday. Prince Albert assisted in the ceremony of laying the foundation- stone of Trinity Church, in the parish of Clewer, before the Court left Windsor, on Monday. On Tuesday and yesterday, his Royal High- ness attended a meeting of the Commissioners for the promotion of the Fine Arts. The Prince has signified his intention of being present at the choral meeting of Mr. Hullah's classes, in Exeter Hall, on the 13th.
The Dutchess of Kent attended at the Italian Opera on Tuesday.
The Duke of Cambridge returned to town, from the Marquis of Exeter's seat, Burghley House, in Lincolnshire, on Monday ; and on Thursday he went to Kew. On Saturday, the Dutchess of Cambridge, Princess Augusta, and Prince George, returned to town from Strath- fieldsaye. The Queen Dowager has given 201. to the fund for erecting Norbury Church in Staffordshire.