On the 28th February, at Bombay. the Lady of Captain GEORGE ROWLEY, Second Bombay Light Cavalry, of a daughter. On the 27th March, at Chertsey, Surrey, the Lady of Lieut.-Col. J. II. IIEARSEY, Sixth Bengal Casalry, of a son. On the 30t1i, at Afvestone. Gloucestershire, the Lady of the Rev. AUGUSTUS Nom, of a son.
On the 31st, at Ferule Castle, N.B., Lady MACORF.0011. of Macgregor. of a son. On the 1st April, at Bryntiriow, near Wrexham, North Wales. the Lady of Captain E. JONES, of a daughter. On the 24. at Teaninich. Ross-shire, the Lady of the Hon. GEORGE SPENCER, of aeon. Ou the 211, in Charles Street, Berkeley Square, the Hun. Mrs. listzme, Lady of H. .1, Baillie, Esq,. M.P.. of a scat. On the 2.1, at Triley Court, MOLIMOHIIISIIIIG, MIS. JOHN NEVILLE FIEI.DER, of a daughter. (Julie 4th, at Cluny Castle. the Lady of CLUNY MACPHERSON, of a son. On the 4th. at East Sheen, Surrey. the Lady Of FRANCIS OMMANNET, Esq., of a MM. On the 4th. at Charlton Park, 'Gloucestershire, the Lady of the Rev. G. BOYDS Mace. of Finis, of a sun.
On the 5th, at the Nash, near Worcester, the Lady of RICHARD TEMPLE, Esq., of a SOIL
On the 6111, in Baker Street. the Lady of Lieut.-Cot. Gammas, of a son.
On the 8th, in St. James's Square, Lady G• GIIGIANA E. C. GREY. of a son. MARRIAGES.
On the 30th March. at Littleham Church, Exmouth. JOHN. only son of the late John Scott. Esq.. of Aberdeen, to CAROLINE. youngest daughter of the late Edward Jeunett Bedell, Esq. On the 2,1 Am il, at Feniscowles Clench. Laueashire, ANDREW Ilatatt.vosr, Esq., of Streatham Common. Surrey, to FRANCES ELIZA, daughter uf Williatn Fielden, Esq., of Feniscowles, M.P. for Blackburn.
On the 4th, at Our Lady Church, St. John's Wood, WILLIAM EDWARD GSA-NOES. Esq., of Causestosen, couuty Meath. to ANNE MARIA, only daughter of J. L. Eyre, Esq., of Made Street, Manchester Square. On the 5th, at Frecfield, ALEXANDER INNES, Esq., of Cowie, eldest son of William Inues, Esq.. of Raemoir, to ANNE KATHERINE, eldest daughter of Lieu tenant General Sir Alexander Leith, K.C.B , of Freefield and Gleukindie.
On the 5th. at St. George's, Hanover Square. JAMES PARK, son of Matthew Harrison, Esq., of Cambridge Terrace, to JUMA ANNA, eldest daughter of Mr. Sergeant Heath. On the 5th. at Charlton King's Church, If exile MORRO. Esq.. second son of Dr. MOIMO, of Ilarley Sireot, and Bushey. Herts, to JANE ELIZA ; and RISO THEODORE MONRO, Esq.. third son of the same, to EMMA, both dallghICIS of the late Sir William Russell. Batt, of Charlton Park, Gloucestershire. On the 5th, at Daventry. the Rev. DANIEL VEVSIE, to ANNE, daughter of the late Venerable Archdeacon Watson.
On the 6th, at Cranford, at the Countess of Berkeley's, Captain F. V. W. Ilsocerrs, Royal Scots Greys, second son of Vice-Admirtl Sir Robert Ricketts, Bart., to GEHRGIANA MARY, only daughter of the Hon. Augustus Berkeley. On the 7th, at Eltham, the Rev. Roesler MATIIIEW Mo.xs, Vicar of South Mims, Middlesex, to Malty Wnat MUMS, eldest daughter of Benjamin Currey. Esq., of Eltham. DEATHS.
At Syduey. New South Wales, after a lung and severe illness of liver complaint, flume, youugest son of the late Lieut.-Geueral Sir Henry Cosby, of Barusville Park, Gloucestershire; in Ids 36th year.
On the :21.1 April, of apoplexy, at his house in Chapel Street. Beige:we Square, Lieut.-Colonel THEODORE HENRY ELLarr, of Braco Castle, Perthshire, eldest son of the late Right Hon, Hugh Elliot. On the 3,1, at his seat, Bicton Park, Iloultou, Devonshire, June Baron BOLTZ ; in his 86th year. On the 4th. at his residence, Fitzroy Square, DANIEL BEALE, Esq.; in his 84th year. On the 4th, at Soutlitou, TYRREL SHADWELI„ Esq., grandson ut the Vice-Chancellor of England. On the 5th, at Brighton, Dr. KELLY, formerly of Finsbury Square, London; in his 86th year. At the Manse of Hoy, Orkney, Miss MAC.AULAY, Aunt to T. B. Macaulay, Esq., M.P. At Dublin, the Rev. JOSIAH Ceamprox, Rect..r and Vicar of Castle Connell, Limerick, and brother of Sir Phillip Cramptt u Bart. At Knockaderry, Waterford, Aussrasts Barer; in her 1034 year.