WAR-tonne, April 8.-7th Regt. Drag Guards-Cornet O'Neal Segrave to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Stevenson. who retires ; A. H. Butler, Gent. to be Cornet, be pur- chase, vice Segmve. lot Foot-Capt. J. W. Butt, from half-pay unattached;to be Capt. vice W. kt•Pherson, who exchanges. 4th Foot-T. D. Lightbody, M.D. to Le Assist.-Surg. vice Aliman, appointed to the 78th Foot. 8th Foot-Surg. W. Gardiner,
from the 834 Foot. to be Surg. vice Maitland, who exchanges. 10th Foot-Major G. Pawer to be Lieut.-Col. without pm-chase; Brevet-Major T. L. L. Galloway to be
Major, vice P..wer ; Lieut. H. C. Powell to be Capt. vice Galloway. To be Lieuts.
without purchase-Lieut. E Lee. from the 40th Foot; IdeuL H. Salt. from the 3d West India Regt.; Ensign H. A. Hollinsworth, from the 80th Foot; Ensige IT. R. Norman, front the 34th Foot; Second Lieut, J. R. G. Pattison, from the Ceylon Rein.; Ensign
W. A. Gaussen, from the 591.11 Foot; Ensign W. Y. Beale. from the 68th Foot; Ensign R G. Jephson, front the 68th Foot ; Second Lieut. R. B. Guilt. from the Ceylon Regt. To be Eusigns, without purchase-J. S. Herbert, Gent.; I. Ottley, Gent. vice Archer.
eppu'uted to the 78th Feet Assist.-Surgs.-H. C. Fees. from the 37th Foot; W. A.
Tonne, from the Staff'. 14th Foot -Capt. W. T. Colman, front the 18th Foot. to be Copt. rice Leventhorpe, who exchanges. 18th Foot -Capt. C. Leventhorpe, from the 14t11 Foot. to beCapt. vice Colman, who exchanges. 21stFoot-bdajor R. T. R. Pattonn, from the 514h Foot, to he Major. vice Beete. who exchanges. 2511, Foot-Major J. R. Young to be Lieut.•Col. without purchase ; BreYet.Major J. J. Hollis to be Major, rice Young ; Lieuteurnit William M'Etunald to be Captain, vice Hollis. To he Lieutenants,
without purchase -Lieutenant Henry Torrens Walker. from the 3d Foot; Lieut. R. H. Nicolls, from the 24 West India flogt.; Second Lieut. J. Brockman Travers, freers
the Ceylon 11,•gt.; Ensign F. J. B. Priestley; Ensign R. C. Bruce. from 36th Foot; Ensign J. L. Campbell. from 67th Foot; Ensiga W. D. Scott. front 51st Foot; Second Lieut. S. P. Lea. horn 87th ; Ensign W. H. T. Pattenson; Ensign E. Wellesley; En- sign II. R. Werge, vice M.Donald. To be Ensigns, without purchase-W. Cumming, Gent. vice Priestley ; C. D. Pogson. Gent. 'rice Pattenson; G. Bent, Gent. vice Wel- lesley; Sergeant II. Thomas. from the 16th Light Drags. vice Wage. To be Assist.- Surg.-11. Swift. M.D. 29th Foot -Brevet-Col. J. Simpson, from half-pay unattached.. to be Lient..Col. vice the Hon. C. A. Wrottesley. who exchanges; Major T. B. Hickin to be Lieut. Cot. without pureleure ; Brevet.Major G. Congreve to be Major, vice Ilickia; Lieut. G. Brown to be Capt. vice Congreve To be Lieut. without purchase - Lieut. J. Rneas Duncan, from the 31st Foot; Ensign R. II. Carew, from the 36th Foot; Ensign Walter Kirby, from the 51st Foot; Ensign Livingston Mitchell, from the 9,Ith Foot; Second Licatenant Francis Buller. Templer. from the Ceylon Regt. • Ensign James Moore, from the 35th Foot ; Ensign Alfred A. Simmons, from the 73.1 Foul; Ensign J. 1V. Richardson. vice Brown. 'fo be Ensign. without purchase-R. Dobbs. Gent. vice Richardson. To be Assist.-Surgs.-W. G. Troudsdell, Gent.; W. P. Young, Gent. 51th Foot-Malor J. P. Beete. from the 21st Foot, to be Major, vice Pa'tenn, who exchanges. 71st Foot-Lieut. Col..f. England, from hall-pay unattached, to be Lieut..Col. vice the Dom C. Grey, who exchanges; Lient. J. C. Robertson to be Cap?. without purchase, %ice Beresfurd, rice. ; Ensign F. G. Scutt to be Lieut. vice Robertson ; W. Hutchinson. Geut, lobs Ensign, vice Scott. 78th Foot-Major M. G. T. Lindsay to be Lient..Col. without purehtne; Bros-et Maan E. Twoperry to be
Major, vice Lindsay ; Lieutenant A. W. Browne to be Captain vice Twopenv. To be Lieuts. without purchase - Lieut. W. H. Ridge, from the 57th Foot; Lieut. S.
D. APAndrew. from the 40th Foot; Ensign G. A. Lockhart; Ensign G. W. P. Bing- Inn. from tlte 95th Foot; Ensign G. Horrocks; Ensign T. M. Carsick; Ensign H. D. Gordon; Eosign Clermont Shrine; Ensign Alexander Mackensie •' Ensign Douglas Hosting.. vice Browse. To e Eusigns, without purchase-Ensign Edward Fellowes, from the 534 Foot. vice Lockhart; Ensign John James Barry Fox, from the 524 Fcmt. vice florrocks; Eusigu Richard Hill Roche, from the 45th Foot. vice Car- vick ; Ensign W. H. Archer, from the lOth Foot, vice Gordon ; Sergt. R. Maclaine. from the 15%11 Light Drags, vice Shrine; H. D. Campbell. Gent. vice Mackenzie; T. C. Hieginson. Gout. vice Hastings. To be Assist.-Surgs.-Assist.-Surg. W. H. All- man, M.D. from the 4th Foot; J. tunes, Gent. 82d Foot-Lieut. W. Eccles to be
Capt. by purchase, vice Quill. who retires; Ensign J. W. Yates to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Eccles; II. A. Robertson, Gent. lobe Ensign, by purchase, Tice Yates.
838 Foot-Surg. J. blaitland. /11.13. from the 8th Foot, to be Stag. vice Gardiuer,
who exchanges. 84th Font-Major R. Willington to be Lieut. -CO. without pur- chase ; Capt. II. B. Clarke to be Major, aico Williogton ' • Capt. G. C. Dickson, from the 85th Foot, to be Capt. vice Coape, who eschanges; Lieut. J. A. West to be Capt. vice Claik. To be Licuts. without purchase -Lieut. H. F. Saunders, from the 420 Foot; Lieut. J. W. Glubb,from the 2,1 West India Regt ; Ensign F. C. Skurray.
from the 51st Foot; Ensign W. Rhodes. from the 68th Foe' ; Eusign G. .T. Howdah, from the 95th Foote Ensign G. Setou, from the 93dFuot; Ensign J. W. Monk ; Ensign G. F. Machean; Ensign H. M. Smith ; Ensign S. Hughes; Ensign J. Minchin, from the 48th Foot, vice West. To be Ensigns, without purchase-H. F. Hutchinson, Gentleman. vice Manch ; J. C. P. Hay. Geutleman, vice Mac- bean ; R. W. Junes, Gentleman, vice Smilt; W. C. E. Sneer. Gent. vice Hughes.
To be Assist.-Surgeons-C. N. English, M.D.; E. A. Parkes, M.B. 85th Foot;- Capt. A. Coape, from the 84th Foot, to he Capt. vice Dickson, who exchanges. 86th
Foot -Freya Lieut.-Col. J. W. Bouverle lobe Limit-Cal. without purchase; Capt.
H. E. De B. Sidley to be Major, vice Ektiverie ; Lieut. W. Stand to be Capt. vice Shiley. To be beats. without purchase-Lieut. C. F. Beatty, from the 13th Foot;
Lieut. G. L. ■Voodd from the 2,1 West India Itegt.; Second Lieut. J. K. E. Holmes, from the 87th Foot; Ensign T. Crowe, from the 55;h Foot ; Ensign J. H. Kirby, from the 3111, Foot; Ensign E. IL Kelly, from the 51st Ford; Ensign J. R. Barry, from the 1511, Foot ; Eusign J. R. Cruiser, from the 6th Foot; Ensign C. G. Butler, vice Stuart. To be Ensign without purchase -J . Jerome. Gent. vice Butler. To be Adjt. with the rank of Eusign-Sergt.-Ma:or J. Boyd, from the 11th Foot. vice Fenwick, who 'resigns the Adjutancy oily. To be Assist..Surg.-P. S. Laing. Gent. Unattached-To he Copts. without purchase-Lieut. R. J. Hauley, from the 84th Foot ; Lieut. J. P. Elliott. from the 40th Foot. Brevet-Major C. J. V. Menlen, if the 734 Foot. to be Lieut.-Col. in the Army. Hospital Staff-B. Y. Townsend, Gent. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Tongue, appointed to the 10th Foot.
Memorandum-The commission of Lieut. the Hon. E. S. Plunkett, in the 95th Foot, to be dated Dec. 4, 184L instead of June 19, 1841.