• [To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Sun,—My authority for stating that Longfellow wrote the beautiful additional verse for our National Anthem is Mr. Theodore P. Brocklehurst. In a letter to the Times, I am sorry to say I do not remember the date, he tells how he met a daughter of Longfellow's at Mr. James Kitson's house, and that she said her father had written the verse. But I was wrong in saying the verse was written in 1880; it was then the sleeting took place. She said Dean Stanley had approached l'ennst-son in the matter as Poet Laureate, but he was not aspired to take it up, and suggested Longfellow, who at once wrote the verse.—I am, Sir, &e., AGNES GARDNER KING.
Hartwell, Wroxham.