News Of The Week.
W E note with very great satisfaction the suggestion made by the Daily Express of Wednesday that an adequate sum of money should be voted to the Prime Minister. We have strongly......
Quite Apart From The Personal Issue And The Present Example,
we want to see a precedent made for the adequate remuneration of our statesmen, including of course special rewards for special and emergency services. In an age when, most......
Whether-mr. Lloyd George Should Have A Lump Sum Like That
given to the Naval and Military Commanders-in-Chief, or, as we confess we shouldprefer, an annuity of £5,000 a year for life, or for twenty years, whichever is the longer, does......
On Wednesday A List Was Issued Of The Honours And
grants for the leading officers of the Navy, Army, and Air Force. Sir David Beatty and Sir Douglas Haig, as was generally expected, receive earldoms. Sir Edmund Allenby becomes......
A Certain Amount Of Criticism Has Made Itself Heard At
what is regarded as the arbitrariness of the list. If such criticism were encouraged, there would be no end to it. For ourselves, we are content to applaud the principle that a......
The Prime Minister, In An Eloquent Speech In The House
of Commons on Wednesday, moved a vote of thanks to the Services and to Marshal Foch, which was adopted unanimously. He then moved a resolution sanctioning the money grants,......
The March Of The Representative Detachments Of The Indian...
to Buckingham Palace on Saturday last compensated Londoners for their disappointment of a fortnight before, when the troops from India had not arrived in time to take part in......
It Was A Happy Thought Of The King's To Make
a Royal progress on the Thames on Monday afternoon, from London Bridge to Chelsea. The pageant, headed by the King and Queen in their State barge, represented the Royal Navy and......