The League Of Nations.
[TO TRE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIE,—Your correspondent "Australian Soldier" is right in insisting that active work is essential to stimulate public interest in the League......
Renan As Prophet.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTLTOR."1 SIE,—It is surely impossible to deny,to M. Renan something of the role of a prophet—the man who could write in the dark days of 1871 such......
Guessing Or Prophesying?
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPEOTATOR."] ent,—No doubt in all the ages there have been predictions of the kind that Mr. Gifford mentions, and some of them are very curious and......
Sir Henry Wilson.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—A few days ago at the House of Commons various eminent persons spent some time in congratulating themselves ea the way in which they bad......
The Ex-kaiser.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " 13.PEOTATOR."] Sia, — At the present. time there seems to be no law, international or other, in existence which renders the action of a Sovereign in......
Peace For The Animals.
[TO THE EDITOR or THE " SPEC/AFC/A."1 SIR,—Peace rejoicings are over. We have expressed our gratitude to the thousands of men and women whose self-sacrificing labours won peace......