By far the most notable thing in a good number
of the Bookman is another interesting little chapter of autobiography from the pen of Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson. It is in the form of a letter to an American friend. It states, among other things regarding his works, "' Treasure Island' begun at Braemar, finished at Davos ; the whole in two bursts of about fifteen days each, my quickest piece of work." It is also interesting to read, "'Kid- napped' I consider infinitely my best, and indeed my only good story;" and, " Otto ' was my hardest effort, for I wished to do something very swell, which did not quite come off." The Feb- ruary number of the Bookman is composed largely of criticism. There are also some agreeable reminiscences of Christina Rossetti by Mrs. Katharine Hinkson ; and Mr. Crockett contributes a rather high-set but yet appreciative and just paper on "Some Tales of Mr. Kipling's."