Boit-lowering Gear. [to The Editor Of The "spectator."]...
Spectator of February 2nd, your comments on the 'Elbe' disaster conclude as follows :—" When will some- one invent a method of lowering boats which will really act ? At present,......
Sentiment And Sepulture. [to The Editor Of The " Spectator:]
Sin, — It is vain to beat our wings against the bars of mystery, yet I agree with you that faith does not demand our acceptance of a resurrection of relics, against which reason......
M. Brunetiere On Science And Religion. [to The Editor Of
THE "SPECTATOR."] Srit,—It may interest some of your readers to know that the remarkable essay by M. Branetiere, called "Apres une Visite an Vatican," of which a summary......
A Sagacious Horse.
[To ram EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—While at Champ4ry, in Switzerland, this last summer I saw a curious incident. A shepherd was with his flock of sheep some way up the......
Letters To The Editor.
BIMETALLISM. [To THE EDITOR OF TEl " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—As you say with great truth in your article in the Spectator of January 26th, "for a nation of shopkeepers we are......