On Thursday The Government Agreed To Appoint A Select...
to inquire into the distress of the unemployed, and the power possessed by local authorities to relieve it, and thereby have satisfied Mr. Keir Hardie, and for the time secured......
There Has Been Another Scene In The French Chamber, Not
without its importance. The French troops, when landed in Madagascar, are to be transported through the malarious belt in river-gunboats, to avoid the terrible havoc caused by......
The Special Correspondent Employed By Renter's Agency To...
the Armenian atrocities, reports from Tiflis that they actually occurred. Some Armenian peasants in Sassoon, he says, were fighting Kurds in self-defence, when orders arrived......
Sir William Harcourt Had Little To Say In Reply, Only
in- sisting that but for the obstruction of the Opposition in the Commons, and the hostility of the Lords, many of these Bills would pass, and would prove very beneficial. To a......
The Effect Of The Amnesty Decreed In France Has Been
to let loose every kind of enemy, not only of the Government, but of society. M. Breton, for example, who, just before the murder of M. Carnot, wrote: "Not a Frenchman would......
In The Howe Of Commons On Tuesday, After The Address
had been moved by Mr. Hobhottse and seconded by Mr. Holland, Mr. Balfour declared that be did not intend to criticise the Foreign policy of the Government, not because he had......
The Queen, It Will Be Noticed, Mentions That The Powers
interested—that is, in fact, Russia, France, and Germany— are "cordially" agreed with her in their policy as to the war in the Far East. That is a noteworthy remark, the more so......