After Lord Crewe had given the information in the hands
of the Government, Lord Bryce confirmed the statement made by Lord Cromer that eight hundred thousand people had been destroyed since last May. Here is his description Qf the way in which the massacres were carried out
• "The procedure was exceedingly systematic. The whole popula tion of a town was cleared out. Men were thrown into prison, the rest of the men and the women and children were marched out of the town. When they had got some little distance they were separated, the men being taken to places where the soldiers despatched them by shooting or bayoneting. The women and children and elder men wore sent off under convoy of the lower kind of soldiers to their distant destination, which was sometimes one of the unhealthy districts, but more frequently the largo district which extends to the east of Aleppo, in the direction of the Euphrates. They were driven by the soldiers day after day ; many fell by the way. and many died of hunger. No provision was given them by the Turkish Government, and they were robbed of everything they possessed, and in many cases the women were stripped naked and marched along in that condition. Many women went mad and threw away their children, being unable to carry them farther. The caravans' route was marked by a line of corpses, and comparatively few seem to have arrived at their destination."