" Germany Embattled. " [to Too Editor Of Thz "...
recent review of the book Germany Embattled, by Oswald Garrison Villard, of the New York Evening Post, accuses Mr. Villard of special pleading on behalf of Germany, and of......
The " Nailing " Of The Idol. [to Tim Editor
OV 41111 " SPRCT,STOR.1 SIR,—Your correspondent "H. M. G." refers to an African custom in which the driving of nails into an effigy of a person was intended to injure that......
A Bluejacket's Letter. [to Tub Enrron Of Tim "bezel...roe:9
Sra,—I think this very striking letter cannot fail to interest your readers.—I am, Sir, &e s N. "DEAREST MOTRER,—Thank you very much indeed for your letter which I was very......
Farmers And Income Tax.
[To TUN EDITOR OF Till " SPROTATOR.") SIR,—In your issue of September 25th I noticed a letter written by "S." on " Farmers and Income Tax." To begin with, "S." has not taken the......