The German Government, Through Count Bernstorff, Have...
which shows an extraordinary change in the attitude of Berlin. Indeed, it is not too much to speak of it as a complete volte.face. The Germans have practically conceded......
It Would Naturally Be Supposed Rom The Note That He
was and is in command of the submarine that sank the Arabic.' We are inclined to think, however, that be is a fictitious person, a kind of nautical Mrs. Harris, invented by the......
Time Germans, We Expect, Now Hope That The State Departstout
will repay German compliance by attempting to force Britain to acknowledge what the Germans call "the freedom of the seas." This, being interpreted, means that we are to fight......
We Desire To 'draw The Attention Of Our Readers To
the spirited and timely appeal for thirty thousand recruits a week put forward by the Labour Recruiting Committee. "If the voluntary principle is to be vindicated, at least......
In The Rouse Of Lords On Wednesday Lord Cromer Opened
a short debate on the Armenian massacres. It had been reported that the victims numbered eight hundred thoasand. That, as well as the statement that some of the German Consular......
After Lord Crewe Had Given The Information In The Hands
of the Government, Lord Bryce confirmed the statement made by Lord Cromer that eight hundred thousand people had been destroyed since last May. Here is his description Qf the......
Lord Bryce, Went On To Describe The Massacre At Trebizond,
where some ten thousand Armenian Christians were destroyed in one afternoon. They were put on board sailing boats, taken out to sea, and then thrown overboard. Nearly the whole......
The Reports Of Mr. Morgenthau, The American Ambassador In...
on the wholesale massacres of Armenians in Turkey, have evidently moved public opinion deeply in the United States. Several of the leading papers urge on the Administration the......
An Interesting Character Study Of King Ferdinand Of...
contributed by a correspondent of the TimeS in Wednesday's issue. In particular, the writer recalls a conversation with Baron Kffilay, the famous Hungarian......
The Correspondent Tests This Political Horoscope, And...
at every turn. Fear, cunning, and inordinate ambition are the chief characteristics of the King of Bulgaria. He loves to pose as a roi incompri , but has moments of cynical......