13 JUNE 1868

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Mr. Hibbert carried on Thursday night, by a majority of

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36- 184 against 148—his amendment to the fourth clause of the Boundaries' Bill, which had practically the effect of restoring the recommendation of the Committee (presided over...


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P ARLIAMENT is to be dissolved in October, the elections are to 1 take place in November, and the new House of Commons is to assemble on 9th December to turn the Tory Government...

Mr. Glad.stone's Irish Church Suspensory Bill passed through Committee yesterday

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week, received an additional clause giving notice that "every person who shall be appointed to any office in the College of Maynooth after the passing of this Act shall hold the...

Count von Bismarck has received unlimited leave of absence, and

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intends, it is said, to remain three months away from Berlin. He is to receive no despatches, write no letters, and transact no business. A French paper declares that he is...

Sir Robert Napier telegraphs that he hopes to embark the

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last of his force from Zoulla on the 1st of June, and has requested that the despatch of mails may cease. He is coming home, instead of returning direct to Bombay, and will...

Mr. Ward Hunt moved the second reading of the Telegraphs'

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Bill on Tuesday, and stated that he was prepared to buy all the Companies' lines at their highest price before 25th May, at a cost of between three and four millions. Mr. Leeman...

We have spoken elsewhere of the curious scene in the

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Queen's Bench on Monday, when Chief Justice Cockburn explained to the Court that Mr. Justice Blackburn had entirely misapprehended the relation in which the legal doctrine of...

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The Austrian Government and the Reichsrath have come to an

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arrangement about the tax on coupons, and a very bad arrange- ment it is. No general property-tax is to be imposed, but only an income-tax on national coupons of 16 per cent.,...

A deputation to Mr. Disraeli last Monday from the Ulster

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Pro- testant Defence Association and the Central Protestant Defence Association, the principal spokesman being the Marquis of Down- shire, elicited from the Prime Minister the...

General Duroc, commanding at Strasburg, seems very anxious for war

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with Prussia. Three weeks since, says the Berlin corres- pondent of the Times, he galloped over the Strasburg bridge, and began ridiculing the little tete-du-pont which defends...

The second reading of the Bill enabling married women to

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hold personal property of their own was carried on Wednesday only by the casting vote of the Speaker, 123 appearing on each side of the question, and neither Mr. Disraeli nor...

We print elsewhere a letter which shows that in the

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late election in East Worcestershire, the district to which the writer refers actually produced six Liberal clergymen who voted for Mr. Lyttel- ton against only fire in the last...

The Toronto papers mention a report, which they seem to

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believe, that Lord Mayo will be the next Governor-General of Canada. He has certainly shown pliability enough for a constitutional Viceroy, and he understands Fenianism ; but...

Prince Michael of Servia was shot down on the 10th

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of June by three men armed with revolvers, and has since, it may be pre- sumed, died, though M. Reuter does not say so. The three men were members of one family, and killed the...

. The House devoted a morsel of Wednesday afternoon to

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the position of Her Majesty's possessions between Lake Superior and the Pacific, a territory which Mr. Adderley described as the "British Far West." Lord Milton, who has " been...

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The Racing season certainly causes more trouble and anguish of

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mind to quiet men in racing time than it does of enjoyment to the devotees of races, and for this the Railway Companies are in great measure responsible. They treat their...

Sir James Brooke, better known as Rajah Brooke, died on

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'Thursday, at his house in Devonshire, his dream of conquering 13orneo, and turning it into an English Java, still unfulfilled. Ile was a bold, upright, and somewhat over stern...

The Western Chambers of Agriculture held a meeting after Ainner

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at Falmouth last week, attended by some of the most influential proprietors and agriculturists in the West. A re- solution was proposed and apparently carried unanimously that...

Mr. Hewlett, Officer of Health for Bombay, has sent in

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a report for 1867 which vegetarians will not like. Of the 816,562 inhabitants of Bombay, 61,994 belong to the non-flesh-eating -castes; and while the general mortality amounts...

The agitation against Mr. Gladstone's Irish Church measure has not

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been very prosperous this last week. The Bishop of Carlisle (Dr. I'Valdegrave) addressed a meeting ten days ago, in which he authenticated Mr. Disraeli's dark and mysterious...

Rather large sales of money stock having taken place, the

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value of Home Securities has fluctuated this week. Yesterday, Consols for money left off at 95 to 9k; for the account, 95k I. Reduced and New Three per Cents., 94i, 95;...

The Government has decided that Mr. Street shall be architect-

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for the Palace of Justice and Mr. Barry for the new National Gallery, and it is currently believed by the sanguine that about five years hence the actual buildings will be...

Yesterday and on Friday week the leading Foreign Bonds left

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off at the annexed quotations :— Friday, June 6. Friday, June 18. 161 161 384 371 631 63 65 65 721 721 Mexican Turkish 6 per Cents., 1858 „ 1862... United States 5.20s m

There is a rumour that Mr. Eyre is to be

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started as a candidate for Westminster, in opposition to Mr. Mill, and we heartily hope it is true. It would be well to test British feeling by a plebisci tuna -of that kind,...

There has been a panic in Mark Lane, where the

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Corn-factors nowadays bet as heavily as their brethren of the Stock Exchange. On Monday, the 1st inst., two speculators failed, corn went down 14s. per quarter, and farmers...

Yesterday and on Friday week the leading British Railways left

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off at the annexed quotations :— Great Eastern... ... „. Great Northern ... ... Great Western ... „.. Lancashire and Yorkshire ... London and Brighton ... London and...

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MR. WALPOLE AND THE BOUNDARY BILL. O NE by one, the abler, graver, and more independent members of the Tory party,—the men who most nearly represent the silent Conservatism of...

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T HE extraordinary and probably unprecedented scene which took place in the Court of Queen's Bench on Monday will more than justify all that we said last week as to the...

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T HE occupation of Samarcand by the Russians will prove, we fear, a very grave event. No details have yet reached England, the report of the Emir's death is not con- firmed, and...

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A MONGST the most remarkable political spectacles of our time are the apologies made by the genuine but crotchetty Church Liberals,---of whom Professor Brewer, of King's...

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P OLITICIANS who care about the tendencies as well as the facts of modern legislation will do well to purchase a copy of the Alliance Hews of Saturday last, the 6th June. They...

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A TERRIBLE rumour is abroad that all the bonds of Society are being loosened. The ladies in the Cage above the Speaker's chair are said to have audibily hissed the speakers in...

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W E are not quite sure that it is possible for us to answer our correspondent "Z.," any more than it would be possible for us to answer a correspondent who argued in defence of...

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LXVI.—BEDFORDSHIRE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, AND HUNTINGDON- SHIRE :—THE LAND. Pr HE titles of land in Bedfordshire in Domesday Survey are only 56; but the individual burgesses of...

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(TO THE EDITOR OF TIIE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I have to thank you for having inserted my letter of the week before last, and also for having interpreted it with fairness. There are...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—If I venture to address you on the subject of your article upon a criticism of Mr. Holman Hunt's "Isabel," which appeared under my name...

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MR. KINGLAKE'S NEW VOLUMES.* [FIRST NOTICE.] THESE two volumes are very inferior to the first two of Mr. King- lake's work. All the faults of his style as a historian, his...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.1 SIR,—Permit me to state a few facts in confirmation of the opinion of an English clergyman who, you say, "believes that most Liberal...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—You have been misled by the fragment of Dr. Raleigh's letter to the English Independent given in the Pall Mall Gazette of last Friday....


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The "stupid party" have made another characteristic move in Scotland. Lord Brougham, whose election to the Chancellor- ship of Edinburgh...

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THE Irish question threatens to grow into a literary as well as a political nuisance. It not only stops the Parliamentary highway, but goes near to choking our libraries with...

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IN CHURCH AND ABOUT IT.* IF there is one kind

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of book that baffles a reviewer, it is a collection of anecdotes strung together without any distinct unity or centre of interest. Such books are becoming too general. Sometimes...

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THERE is nothing very striking in these letters, but they express naturally, if not always simply, the surprise felt by an English lady when introduced to a new mode of life,...

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Origenis Heraplorum quce Supersunt. Vol. II, Part I. Edited by

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Frederic Field. (The Clarendon Press, Oxford.)—This is an instalment of a noble work by Mr. Field, a gentleman already known to the literary and theological world by his labours...


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Ile Ocean World. By L. Figuier. (Chapman and Hall.)—This beautifully illustrated volume is a compilation from several popular works by M. Figuier, with additions gathered from...

Si/cote of Silcotes. By Henry Kingsley. Mr. Henry Kingsley's latest

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novel does not appear to us equal to some of his former prodo.c- tions, but he is always extremely readable, and his manly unaffected style contrasts most favourably with the...

Mount Cannel: a Story of Modern English. Life. (Bentley.) — If this

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story resembles fact, modern English life must be much more like an. ill-arranged melodrama than we had thought. We have hero a young lady who keeps the evidence of her...