13 NOVEMBER 1942

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The Spectator

A T last winter is beginning to take charge in Russia, and under its onslaught and the influence of events elsewhere Germany will soon pass from the offensive to the defensive....

M. Stalin's Review of the War

The Spectator

There are two points in M. Stalin's speech at Moscow last week Which specially affect Russia's Allies. One was his insistence upon the absence of an Allied second front in...

Hitler in Adversity

The Spectator

The eve of the anniversary of the 1923 Putsch when Hitler was addressing his party members at Munich was also the day of the American landings in French Africa—an event quickly...

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Indian Conversations

The Spectator

Various negotiations are going on in India, but it is not very clear where any of them will lead. The Council of the Moslem League, at its meeting on Tuesday, pressed the...

Centralised Control

The Spectator

It is when it comes to the planning of the machinery that A National Pqjicy for Industry at once finds itself on difficult ground. Much of what it requires would doubtless...

Industry and Reconstruction

The Spectator

Organised labour, acting through the trade unions, has long ago produced its programme of reconstruction for industry ; for Labour the hope has always been in Socialism. It was...

Mrs. Roosevelt's Visit

The Spectator

All who listened to Mrs. Roosevelt's broadcast last Sunday were impressed by her strong, sympathetic account of what she had seen in this country and by her insistence on the...

Treatment for Venereal Disease

The Spectator

The recent increase in this country of venereal disease—a danger which was foreseen under the conditions imposed by the war— has necessitated the new Defence Regulation, made by...

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The Spectator

HE transformation which the face of the war has undergone in no more than ten days continues.. The inspiring news of the American landings in North Africa in the midst of the...

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A SPECTATOR ' S NOTEBOOK T HE British public has had so

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much news to hearten it this week that it could hardly find time to discriminate between its satisfactions. Yet half-consciously, half-subconsciously, it has always, I think,...

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The Spectator

By STRATEGICUS For what must be the first effect of such a development as that hich is taking place in North Africa? Can Hitler calmly await the opening of a southern front?...

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The Spectator

By THE RT. HON. WALTER ELLIOT, M.P.* "T O make a man healthy, and wealthy, and wise " was the object of the old proverb—and it is revealing to observe the order in which these...

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The Spectator

By JULIAN HUXLEY D UBLIN is a strange place to be in these days. It is not so much the material facts of life, like the lack of complete black-out, the extreme shortage of tea,...

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The Spectator

By A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T N his column in last week's Spectator Janus asked certain relevant questions regarding the newly-founded University of Sulgrave, to which The Times...

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The Spectator

B ETWEEN the religious teaching instilled into boys at public schools and the views about religion held by boys at public schools there may or may not be a considerable gulf. It...

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The Spectator

By HAROLD NICOLSON T HE Select Committee on National Expenditure was instituted at the beginning of the war in order to suggest economies, and to prevent overlapping, in the...

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" Best Bib and Tucker." At the Palladium.

The Spectator

THE THEATRE THE Palladium has for some time specialised in a musical variety diversion designed for a particular kind of popular audience, a sort of present-day counterpart to...


The Spectator

" Leningrad Fights." At the Plaza.—" Natasha." At the Tatler. " The War Against Mrs. Hadley." At the Empire. THIS week's films provide an opportunity to compare two current...


The Spectator

Paintings and Drawings. By Stanley Spencer. Leicester Galleries. A mitiss of Stanley Spencer's work, such as that now to be seen in the two inner rooms at the Leicester...

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SIR,—An article which appeared in The Spectator on November 6th

The Spectator

presented the report of the National Society on the Dual System in a very favourable light. But as the Church Assembly which meets on November 17th is to be asked to endorse...

Stn,—Last week's Spectator advocated a system of religious education in

The Spectator

all Council schools by teachers "qualified by conviction" to gist such teaching—though anything like a test must be rigorously eschewed. I suggest that the last stipulation is...


The Spectator

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SIR,—A letter from Margery Reilly in your issue of November 6th describes a case of political fanaticism that, if it is at all common among school...


The Spectator

SIR,-1 appreciate the reference in your article with the above heading to " The Three Foundation Principles " which I describe as underlying the aim of those who desire England...

SIR,—Your article " Religion and the Schools," and many others

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I have read, leaves out the Roman Catholic schools in discussing this question, stressing the Church of England schools as the non-provided schools, and yet I consider the...

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OURSELVES AND CHINA sm,—It is some time since even Mr.

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Tangye's Chinese friends were in China. Much has happened since they left their own shores to give the credulous Mr. Tangye a false impression of his countrymen in China. The...

THE PROFIT-MOTIVE SIR,—Surely the function of the profit-motive is to

The Spectator

encourage production when supplies are short of requirements, to discover and develop new resources of all kinds. This it does to perfection, making the reward of production...

LORD BALFOUR AND THE JEWS SIR, —Commenting on my article on

The Spectator

"Lord Balfour and the Jews," Mr. Landman regrets that I make no reference to the Balfour Declaration b^ving been " in the nature of a contract given for due consideration." I...

CIVIL SERVICE REFORM SIR, —May I protest against the kind of

The Spectator

comment made last week in Your editorial note on Civil Service Reform? Referring to the recom- mendation of the Select Committee on National Expenditure that the administrative...

FURTHER SPANISH COMMENTARY SIR,—The personal issues raised by this correspondence

The Spectator

are of little importance or relevance. I must, however, point out that I did not impugn Professor Peers' consistency or good faith in the matter of his recent conversion to the...

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The Spectator

Sta,—In Mr. Woosnam-Jones' article in your issue of October 3oth I was very interested to learn that the most recent addition to R.A.F. vernacular is the verb to " prang." It...

Sta,—I have read with interest the letter from Mr. W.

The Spectator

H. H. Court in your issue of November 6th and should like to point out that the suggestion made in the second paragraph has already been followed. A Shortened Music Edition of...


The Spectator

IN the excellent and excellently well-edited magazine of the Women's Institutes has appeared a little estimate of the values of various woods which, as it seems to me, may...


The Spectator

SIR,—When writing my letter on " Hymns Today," which appears in your columns of Friday's issue, I suggested that the publiihers of Hymns Ancient and Modern might some day issue...


The Spectator

SIR,—The topic seems to deserve attention. H. Jakubowicz vindicates the right of the late Commissar for Foreign Affaires to an impeccable evening dress. Chicherin, as Louis...

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The Spectator

Milton the Christian " THE purpose of these lecturts," says Mr. C. S. Lewis on page 125 of the important and friendly little book in which they are now printed, " has been...

What is Good ?

The Spectator

SCIENTISTS are naturally concerned to investigate all phenomena and to question and analyse all ideas concerning them, but their long succession of discoveries in exposing the...

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The Spectator

Ego 5. By James Agate. (Harrap. as.) WE have a kindness for Mr. James Agate. The phrase may be borrowed but the sentiment is sincere. Yet there, are limits. He publishes...

Blue-Prints or Pious Opinions ?

The Spectator

America's Economic Policy: For the War and the Peace. Fore- word by the Lord Chancellor, The Rt. Hon. The Viscount Simon. tHutchinson. 5s.) HAD this book been published two or...

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Shorter Notices

The Spectator

Midnight Hour. By Nicodemus. (Faber. 13s. 6d.) This unusual book will be appraised by different readers differently. It is the record of a conflict of soul covering a period of...

Bradley's Dialectic. By R. W. Church. (Allen and Unwin. zos.

The Spectator

6d.) PROFESSOR CHURCH'S admirable study of Hume's Theory of the Understanding is well known. Now the undenominational patience, accuracy and fairness which were there devoted to...


The Spectator

The Song of Bernardette. By Franz Werfel. Translated by Ludwig Lewisohn. (Hamish Hamilton. los. 6d.) Sweet Chariot. By Frank Baker. (Eyre and Spottiswoode. 9s.) MR. JOYCE GARY...

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The Spectator

[A. Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solunon of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week. Envelopes should be...


The Spectator

The winner of Crossword No. 190 is T. R. STANWELL, Esq., Colt Hill, Odiharn, Hams.

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Journey ior Margaret. By W L. White. (Hurst ani Blacken.

The Spectator

7s. 6d.) CHRISTOPHER MORLEY finds that this book says more to him than anything yet published about the war. Without going to this length, it is possible to agree that there is...


The Spectator

Goon news from the war fronts has followed so swiftly on the heels of the rise in the stock markets that it almost seems as if the general level of security prices has proved...

THERE are comparatively few books about South America, and this

The Spectator

is a thoroughly readable addition to their number. As the dust- cover sugges.s, it is the ideal accompaniment to Mr. Gunther's A more seriously political investigations in...

AT this time a knowledge of American politics has more

The Spectator

claim on our system of intellectual priorities than it had in peace time. It is no longer a luxury but a necessity for the good citizen to know some- thing of how the political...