13 NOVEMBER 1942, page 14

The Profit-motive Sir,—surely The Function Of The...

encourage production when supplies are short of requirements, to discover and develop new resources of all kinds. This it does to perfection, making the reward of production......

R.a.f. Vernacular

Sta,—In Mr. Woosnam-Jones' article in your issue of October 3oth I was very interested to learn that the most recent addition to R.A.F. vernacular is the verb to " prang." It......

Sta,—i Have Read With Interest The Letter From Mr. W.

H. H. Court in your issue of November 6th and should like to point out that the suggestion made in the second paragraph has already been followed. A Shortened Music Edition of......

Country Life

IN the excellent and excellently well-edited magazine of the Women's Institutes has appeared a little estimate of the values of various woods which, as it seems to me, may......

Hymns Today

SIR,—When writing my letter on " Hymns Today," which appears in your columns of Friday's issue, I suggested that the publiihers of Hymns Ancient and Modern might some day issue......

A Diplomat's Dress

SIR,—The topic seems to deserve attention. H. Jakubowicz vindicates the right of the late Commissar for Foreign Affaires to an impeccable evening dress. Chicherin, as Louis......